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"Are you alright???" He asked. I shook my head no, tears welling up in my eyes. He instantly brought me into a warm embrace, which I gladly accepted. I bursted out crying, explaining everything to Ink. And he comforted me while I was having a breakdown.


Ink has barely left my side ever since I had that nightmare. If he ever had to go out, he would always have either Dream or Blue watch over me. I thought it was nice of him to do this for me, but it sometimes felt a bit overwhelming.

I finally got some time to myself when Ink had to leave quickly. He said that it was on such short notice to get Blue or Dream to watch me, and besides, from what it sounded like, he probably needed both of them anyways. So I just decided to draw to pass the time.

I didn't draw anything big, just a few doodles here and there. Just anything to make sure that I'm not bored.

I started humming a little tune before I then set down my sketchbook and stood up. I started singing as if I were in a trance.

"I took the perfect avenue,

Down the road to both of you.

Did I go Dutch?

This is too much!

With all the money in the world,

You could never buy this girl.

Quite enough.

It will be tough.

If romancing me with neons is something you should do,

Make the letters write in luminous and blue."

The words flew through my soft lips.

"And get me waking up,

Shaking up,

Tangled up."

I was in such a trance,

"You could be making up,

Quaking up,

Tangled up."

That I didn't notice the sound of a portal opening up behind me.

"You can't be faking it,

Making it,

For my love."

A dark chuckled was heard from behind me, but even though I noticed it, it was as if my body just wouldn't obey me.

"With all the tragedy,"

Why can't I move?

"Don't get me,"

I have to do something!




Right as I finished, I felt tentacles wrap around my waist. I looked down, finally having control over my own body again. I looked behind me to see the source of the tentacles and saw something utterly terrifying.

It was him.

From my nightmare.

No no no no no no no.

Why was he here!?

Why did Ink have to leave me alone for once!?

I'm scared!

He's gonna kill me!


I had been so lost in thought that I didn't realize that he had closed the gap. I was brought out of my trance when he smashed his teeth against my lips. I freaked out and tried to get out of his grasp, but he only tightened the tentacles wrapping around me. I felt the tears forming in my eyes. He eventually pulled back from the kiss. He looked at me with lovesick in his eyes.

"I finally have you back, Princess."



I just have something really quick to say. So, as most of you know, I was gonna publish a Halloween special for this book. Unfortunately, I have failed. I was trying so hard to write it, but I just kept getting stuck. Im so sorry to any of you who were hoping to read it. I have failed you all as an author. If you think I'm lying, then I'll upload the tiny part that I have of it so far, which isn't very much.

I am so sorry. So please, if you hate me, then it's ok. You guys can hate me all you want. I deserve it.

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now