E/N (Editor's Note)

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Hello from Reaper's new editor! My name is Vee and I'll be editing all of her chapter from now on, mostly sentence structure and tone. I'll do my very best to ensure we write a story you all will enjoy!

As a writer I am attempting to become published, so wish me luck. Any advice about my edits or how to get published would be very appreciated. It's a lot harder than it looks!

If anyone is interested, I have considered making my own wattpad to post my poems and short stories. I likely wont be posting fanfic like Reaper does, but I am still very proud of my writing and would love to share if anyone would like to read them!

Thats enough about me now. I hope you all enjoy Painting in the Darkness - A Nightmare x Reader x Ink!

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now