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We eventually pulled away as we noticed that the water was getting cold. Ink left the bathroom first to let me dry off.


A week has passed. I've finally gotten over my cold, which allowed me to continue training. I was actually starting to get used to my magic. I could summon a couple of different weapons, summon a shield, and could even become more agile. It was pretty useful when it came to dodging quick attacks. I walked back into the Doodlesphere after an hour or so of training. Ink was currently painting a starry galaxy on one of the walls in the living room. I walked up next to him, admiring his work.

"Heya Inky."

"Oh, you're back early! How was it?"

"You know, the usual. Blue almost hit me a couple of times, actually."

He smiled, setting down his paintbrush.

"You know, you're getting a lot stronger every day. We might just be able to start taking you out on missions."

"Really!?" My eyes widened in excitement. He chuckled at my reaction, nodding. I could hardly contain my excitement.

After calming down, I looked back at the wall.

"So, this is what you were working on while I was gone?"

"Yeah. I thought that this wall looked pretty dull, so I decided to spice it up a bit."

"You know, I think it's missing just one thing..." Before he could say anything, I grabbed the paintbrush off of the floor. He just observed me while I was painting. Once I was done, I gently set down the paintbrush and stood back to admire my work.

I added two figures in white paint: Ink and I.

"Now it's much better," he says, wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned against his chest.

Suddenly, we hear the sounds of a portal opening up behind us. We both turned around to see Dream.

"Guys, it's bad! Really bad!"

"How many of them are there?"

"All of them, Ink!"

My eyes widened. Ink let go of me as he went over to the portal. I managed to grab his sleeve before he walked through.

"Take me with you."


"Ink, take me with you." He looked over at Dream.

"She would be helpful. Plus, the more the merrier. And she's excellent at dodging, blocking, and healing."

Ink looked back at me and nodded. The three of us then walked through to see a snowy town. Snowdin. It looked awful. Buildings were torn up, monsters were dying, and dust was everywhere.

The battlefield looked worse. There were attacks everywhere. Poor Blue looked completely outnumbered. I could tell that he was struggling to block attacks. My feet turned dark blue whilst my hands turned green. I rushed straight towards blue as I saw an attack go straight for him. I stood in front of him as I summoned a shield, blocking the attacks. I could see all of their shocked reactions. I looked at Nightmare. I could see the hint of betrayal on his face, but it quickly went away. I took down the shield as I summoned a light blue knife in my hand. In a split second, the battle continued. Dust and Error lunged right at me, with Dust gripping a bone and Error summoning his strings. I summoned a shield on my other arm and blocked Dust's attacks whilst slicing Error's strings. It was a deadly dance, where one wrong move could get me killed. I could hear the other fighting as well.

I looked away for a moment, and I regretted it. I saw Blue get a hit to the skull. He fell instantly. At the same time, I saw Cross get the same fate. I suddenly couldn't hear anything. It was as if time had stopped. It did, but I didn't notice. I screamed. Suddenly, the world turned white. The only two people that were there were Ink and Nightmare.

"Y/N, I..." Nightmare started to say.

"I love you," they both spoke at the same time. I felt my heart quicken. I didn't know who to choose. Who should I choose?

* Nightmare

* Ink

* Both

* Neither

* ?

I know that this was a crappy way to end the chapter, but I was having trouble with it. Endings will be coming soon! Vote on which one should be added first. Voting will be available till Monday. Enjoy!

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now