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"Welp, anyways, I'm gonna go now, see ya." And with that, she walked out of the room. I sat there for a moment before I just laid back down, sinking into my thoughts.


Recently, I’ve been sleeping much more often. Ever since I saw Dream, I wanted to tell him almost anything that would happen. I just wanted him to know that I was okay. In return, he has been telling me about how things are going with him and the Star Sanses. Of course, we sometimes had to make our visit short as Nightmare would always enter into my dream. It was a dangerous habit, but it was one I was willing to risk having.

Dream and I were currently talking on the hillside. We were looking up at the clouds, sometimes pointing out shapes and figures. I looked over at Dream.

“Hey Dream?”


“So, when will I be able to see Ink again?”

He sat there for a moment, thinking. “I dunno. Soon, hopefully.”

I nodded and turned back to look at the sky. I noticed that the clouds started turning dark, spreading out across the sky.

“Uh, I think Nightmare’s coming.” I said, standing up. Dream also stood up. We both turned to look at each other.

“Y/N, I love you. Stay safe, ok?”

“Alright, I will. I love you too.” We pulled each other into a warm embrace. I suddenly felt a chill go down my spine. I pulled away and looked behind me. My eyes widened in fear.


He looked at us, anger present in his eyes.

“N-Nightmare, please, don’t hurt him…”

He didn’t respond. Dream cautiously walked up to him.

“Look, I know you might be mad, bu-” He was cut off when Nightmare stabbed him through the skull. It was if time went into slow motion. Dream collapsed to the ground. The lights in his eyesockets were gone. I ran up to him, even though it felt like he was a mile away. I crouch down next to him as I set his head down on my lap. Tears streamed down my face.

“Dream, w-wake up. Please bro, wake up! I’m begging you!” My sobs seemed to just grow louder and louder. I eventually just started whimpering as I placed my hand over the hole in his skull.

“P-please don’t die, bro…” I closed my eyes in sorrow. I suddenly felt something flow through me, as it went into my hand before the feeling went away. Nightmare then picked me up with one of his tentacles and forced me to face him.

“I’d suggest that you never pull a stunt like this again. Understood?” I just nodded sadly.

“Good. Now, wake up and get ready, ok? I want to introduce you to someone.” I nodded again as I felt myself go back into consciousness again...

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now