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"Don't worry. I'll protect you from him from now on." He said calmly. I nodded, and hugged him back.


I've been in the Doodleshpere for a few months, at least, that's what Ink had said. I didn't care either way. Ink isn't around a whole lot, with him being the protector of the AUs, but he comes by often enough that I don't go insane. He was currently out, so right now I was just doodling in a notebook. Ink had made it for me.

I heard a rip, and I look up to see Ink stepping through the portal. I smiled. I think we had been i a relationship for at least a month. I don't really know for sure, but it doesn't really matter.

Ink closed the portal behind him and turned to look at me. "Hello, N/N"

"Hi Inky." I said, closing my sketchbook. He sat down next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"So, what were you drawing?" He asked.

"Oh, it wasn't anything important. Besides, I don't think it looks very good."

"Aw, come on, don't say that!" He said. He then gently picked me up and set me down on his lap. "I bet it looks just as amazing as you do." I blushed at his compliment.


"Of course! Now, go ahead and show me what you drew."

"Ok." I opened my sketchbook up to the page I was drawing on. The picture actually took up 2 complete pages. It wasn't fully completed yet, but it showed a beautiful hillside covered with different types of flowers. On top of the hill was a tree, with three figures sitting under it. The first two were already done, showing Ink and myself, but the third figure was completely blank. I don't know why I even drew a third person, but the picture just doesn't feel right without them. All of the figures were facing towards the viewer.

"Oh my gosh, this looks amazing!" He said. I smiled up at him and then looked back down at the paper, picking up a black marker.

"Thanks." I said, starting to draw on top of the pencil marks. Ink just looks over my shoulder, smiling.

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now