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"I'd suggest that you never pull a stunt like this again. Understood?" I just nodded sadly.

"Good. Now, wake up and get ready, ok? I want to introduce you to someone." I nodded again as I felt myself go back into consciousness again...


I awoke, alone. I felt misery sweep through my body. Dream...Dream was...dead. And it was all my fault. I should've pushed him away. I should have never let him visit me. I shouldn't have just sat by and let it happen. I felt so guilty about it. I wanted to scream, cry, ANYTHING! But I just felt...hollow. When I thought that for once someone was actually nice to me, someone who I had considered to be family for once, had just been violently ripped away from me.

But I knew that I couldn't sit here and mourn for much longer. I need to get ready. Nightmare wouldn't like it if I kept him waiting. So I got dressed in my usual outfit and walked out into the hall, heading towards the throne room. Thoughts kept swarming my head until I eventually reached the throne room. I opened the door and cautiously walked in. I looked around the room, but I only saw Nightmare.

"Uh, weren't you gonna introduce me to someone?"

"Oh, just wait for it."

I gave him a questioning look, until I felt a presence behind me. I turned around slowly.


I gave out a small squeak and jumped back, startled. The figure started laughing. Once I got a better look at them, I chuckled in embarrassment.

 Once I got a better look at them, I chuckled in embarrassment

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(Here's a picture of what they look like.)

"Oh man, I got you gooooooooood!" They said, laughing.

"This right here is El. She-"

"Nightmare, please, I prefer to be referred to as 'they'."

"Oh right, I'm sorry. They occasionally hang out around here."

"Ah, ok!" I replied. After the introduction, I walked back off to the bedroom. I sat on the bed, exhausted. I threw on some pjs and hopped into bed. I eventually drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now