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"Don't worry, everything is alright." I froze up. No! Before I could grab my bat, I felt a sudden sting on my neck. I noticed myself grow dizzy. What did he do to me!? Soon, I slipped into unconsciousness.


I felt myself slowly waking up. I could feel the warm blankets wrapped around my body and the soft bed underneath. Phew. It must've just been a bad dream. I opened my eyes slowly, a confused expression slowly appearing. Am I still dreaming...? The room didn't look like my own. It was covered head to toe with black. Everything was black. The only way I could tell what anything was was with a faint dark blue outline on everything. I sat up and looked around more. This didn't look like my room...

Then it hit me. The walls looked familiar. Even the ornate mirror! It was his room! I started hyperventilating.  What was he planning on doing to me!? I heard footsteps in the hall. I ducked under the covers and held my breath. I heard the door open and the familiar strong scent of blood enter. Did Nightmare murder someone!?

"Hmmm. I smell a human in here..." The voice spoke, a voice that did not belong to Nightmare. I could hear his footsteps creep closer to the bed. I tried to stop myself from quivering out of fear, but it was a lost cause. I heard his footsteps stop right in front of me.

"Ah, there you are~ It's a pretty bad idea to hide in the Boss' bedroom, you know." He quietly purred it out before pulling the sheets off. My eyes instantly shot up to his face, where I saw he had a large hole in his skull. I don't think I need to add that he's a skeleton. He was completely covered in blood and dust. He carried an axe over his shoulder, also covered in dust and blood. I froze in fear. He sent a henchman to kill me!

"Welp, one headdog, coming right-" his sentence was cut off with a tentacle wrapping around his neck. He froze, his axe raised above his head. I just huddled there, sobbing quietly. He was then yanked out of the room. I could hear yelling in the hallway, maybe even something snapping, before he came in the room. I didn't notice he had walked in until I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, holding me close to him. I didn't care about the fact that a potential murderer was holding me, I just turned around and cried into his chest, gripping his jacket tightly. He stroked my hair gently, whispering sweet little nothings to me.

"Shhh, it's ok, he's not here anymore, he won't hurt you."

I calmed down hearing his comforting words before falling asleep.

Edited 26 May 2020

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