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* Ink

* Both

* Neither

* ?

I looked between the two of them, seeing the anticipation in their eyes.

"I choose Nightmare." I spoke confidently. Nightmare's eyes sparkled with joy. Ink forced a small smile on his face, which hid a heartbroken emotion behind it. Nightmare happily swept me off my feet, spinning me around. He gave me a loving kiss before just holding me there.












~Three Years Later...~

~Third Person POV~

The battle between evil and good still continues. Y/N has been crowned Queen of Darkness alongside her king, Nightmare. She doesn't know how Ink has felt since being rejected, but soon she may see him again. But she has been stuck in her castle. Her heart has grown just a bit darker.

But, curiosity pricks at the back of your mind. What if you had chosen differently?

What if you loaded back?

What if you chose Nightmare instead?

🖤Nightmare Ending🖤

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now