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* Both

* Neither

* ?

I looked between the two of them, anticipation flickering in their eyes.

"I choose Ink." I say confidently. Ink's face brightened with a joy purer than Blue. He ran up to me and embraced me tightly, giving me a dozen kisses. I looked at Nightmare out of the corner of my eye. is back was turned. Was he...shaking? I didn't give it a second thought as I laughed happily along with my true love.













~Three Years Later~

~Third Person POV~

The battle between good and evil still continues. Y/N's powers have grown as she fights alongside the Star Sanses as the Caretaker of the AUs. She hasn't seen Nightmare ever since she confessed to Ink, but she doesn't focus on it too much as she's constantly training and protecting the AUs from total destruction.

But, curiosity pricks at the back of your mind. What if you had chosen differently?

What if you loaded back?

What if you chose neither of them?

🌈Ink Ending🌈

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