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I walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me. He never said I had to stay in the room, so there's no harm in exploring a bit. I walked around the seemingly empty halls, for once not scared.

"w3Ll, wH47 d0 W3 h4V3 h3r3?"



I spun around to see two skeletons. One had black bones and the other bore striking white ones.

The black one wore a black jacket and a red turtleneck sweater. He also wore black gym gym shorts and red slippers. His fingers were red with the very tips being yellow. Blue tear streams run down from his eyes, framing his yellow teeth. His eyes were mismatched, one pupil being white and the other yellow and blue. A glitch effect surrounded him as a bunch of errors popped up and dissipated.

The other one wore a blue hoodie with a gray hood over his head. His black shorts and pink slippers were covered in dust, just like his hood. His red eyes and single blue pupil sent chills down my spine.

I took a step back from them, hesitant on their motives. Right as the glitchy one was about to speak, I turned around and ran away from them. I was about to turn the corner when I felt something wrap around me. I looked down and saw...blue strings? I looked back and saw that they were coming from the glitchy dude.

"Y0u kN0w 17'5 n0T n1C3 70 l34v3 WH3N 50m30n3 15 74lK1ng 70 Y0u," he spoke in a sinister voice, creeping me out more. He dragged me back towards them, lifting me up to face him.

"Let's take her to Nightmare. He'll figure out what to do with a rat like her," the other one spoke, flashing me a creepy smile.

"BU7 1 r34lLy w4n7 70 k1LL h3R! B351d35, 15n'7 7h47 wh47 N1gH7m4r3 w4n75 U5 70 D0?"

"I mean, yeah, but I think he would want to do it. Besides, the last time you did it, you had to do all the chores for a week."

"0H 5-5HU7 UP!" He said angrily before walking forward, dragging me along the ground behind him. I tried calming my nerves, which helped a little.

We then reached a big door, which he opened and walked through.

"h3y N1gh7m4r3, 1 f0Und 7h15 g1rL 1n 7h3 H4lL. Wh47 5h0uld 1 D0 w17H h3r?" he lifted me up as he spoke. Nightmare looked at me with wide eyes before looking at the glitch, starring daggers at him.

"Release her, NOW."

He dropped me almost instantly, a look of shock on his face.

"I don't want to see you lay a finger on her again, understood?"

"Y35 51r," he said before quickly exiting the room. I looked up at Nightmare who motioned for me to come over. I walked up to him. He lifted me up and sat me down on his legs.

"I'm sorry about that. I see now that its a bit dangerous to explore the place when no one knows you."

"So what are you gonna do about that?"

"I'm gonna introduce you to everyone."


Edited 11 July 2020

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