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Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy guys, this book is almost at 2.5K reads. So, I decided that I should allow you guys to submit your OCs to me! I'll implement them into my Halloween Special, which isn't canon, but I will eventually implement them into the story! Here's what needs to be filled out:






♡Sexuality (Including romantic preferences [for an example, look at my profile description])♡



♡Good or Bad♡




I look forward to seeing your OCs!


Time must've slipped by, because before I knew it, I passed out.

And I didn't expect what happened next.



I woke up on a bed. I looked around, confused. I was snuggling with Ink just a moment ago. I then heard loud footsteps. I hopped out of bed and opened the door, poking my head out. I saw a dark, inky figure walking down the hall. And boy did he not look very happy. I got scared and ran out of the room I was in, just so that he wouldn't reach me. I heard loud footsteps behind me and I turned my head to see him running after me. I picked up my pace and eventually his footsteps faded. But the bad thing was I ran into a dead end. I looked around and saw a single door. I opened it to reveal another bedroom. I didn't bother looking around it, I just shut the door and hid underneath the bed. I then heard footsteps approaching the door.

The door slowly opened and a set of feet walked into the room.

"I know you're in here~" His voice was so deep and milky. It sent shivers up my spine. I covered my mouth to hide my harsh breathing. He walked around the room, looking everywhere but under the bed. He then walks towards the door. I almost thought I was safe, but a tentacle quickly shot underneath the bed and grabbed me, pulling me out from under the bed.

"Found you~. Did you think you could try to cover up your fear? Cute~" I squirmed around in his grip, which only made him tighten it.

"W-what do you want with me?!" I spoke, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

His expression darkened. "Have you forgotten? I want you to come back. I love you, my Princess."


He sighs, and then I suddenly feel pain in my abdomen. I look down. He...he stabbed me. I looked back up at him.

"Don't worry, I'll get you back soon enough." And then my world went dark.


I woke up with a start, lurching up. My breath was ragged, and I was covered in a cold sweat. I looked next to me, to see Ink, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Are you alright???" He asked. I shook my head no, tears welling up in my eyes. He instantly brought me into a warm embrace, which I gladly accepted. I bursted out crying, explaining everything to Ink. And he comforted me while I was having a breakdown.

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