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 * Nightmare

* Ink

* Both

* Neither

💚 ?

I looked between the two of them. This is such a hard choice! It was starting to make my head hurt. I gripped my head as the pain became stronger.

Ink looked at me with worry. "I knew this would happen." He then turned to Nightmare with a stone-cold expression. "Nightmare, she needs to wake up."

"What!? No, I'm not waking her up!"

"She'll die if you don't do it!"

I looked between them, confused. Wake up?

Nightmare's tentacles started to twitch around frantically. I needed to do something before things got worse. And things got worse.

He shot his tendrils right at Ink, the look in his eyes telling me that Ink was probably not gonna survive. I did the only logical thing and jumped in front of the attack. I felt the sharp pain of the tendrils shooting straight through my torso. I cried out in pain as Nightmare's face turned to complete horror. He pulled the tendrils back, causing my damaged body to collapse to the floor. The two of them leaned over my body.

I looked at Nightmare sadly. "Don't worry, everything will be ok." I gave him a weak smile. I couldn't hear what he was saying as my body gave up and went limp...

I opened my eyes with a start as my lungs started greedily sucking up oxygen instantly. I looked around the room at the faces of people who seemed relieved that I was awake. I then looked over at two people who seemed oddly familiar.

They were both men around my age. One had dark skin, cyan eyes, and black hair. His outfit consisted of mostly black. The other one had light skin, blue and yellow eyes, and white hair. His outfit was pretty casual and covered with paint stains.

"Ink? Nightmare?" I asked the two boys.

"Uh, I think you were out for a bit too long. I'm Nikholas, remember?"

"And I'm Ian, silly!"

Oh right. Ian and Nikholas. They're my childhood best friends. I almost forgot.

I looked over at my parents. Right, now it's starting to all come back to me. I was in a car. We had been going on a trip. I guess we must've gotten in a car crash. At least I'm finally awake again.









~Three Years Later...~

~Third Person POV~

Things have all gone back to normal. I have a steady bond with Ian and Nikholas. I have a decent paying job and a wonderful dog named P/N. Thing are good.

But, curiosity pricks at the back of your mind. What if you had chosen differently?

What if you loaded back?

What if you chose Nightmare instead?

》Coma Ending《

Painting in the Darkness - a Nightmare x reader x InkWhere stories live. Discover now