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I didn't feel comfortable in going out in just this, so I looked through the closet and found an oversized black hoodie, which I happily put on. I then went over and sat on the bed, waiting for Nightmare.

And then, there was a knock.


"Come in." I spoke softly, my face red as a cherry. The door opened to reveal Nightmare. I only felt my blush increase as he walked over to me and sat down beside me. I attempted to get some space between us, but he had other plans. He pivked me up and sat me down on his lap, trapping me there with his arms. He leaned down and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Gorgeous." He spoke quietly, but I still heard him, which turned me into a blushing mess. I was falling in love with him more and more. He was doing things to me, I swear.

I soon became lost in thought. It didn't last for long, though. I felt him move the hoodie to the side, revealing my neck.

"W-what are you-" I was cut off when he suddenly bit down on my neck. I shiver ran down my spine as I let out a small gasp. I could feel his smile grow wider as he started trailing bite marks down my neck until he found the sweet spot. I tried to contain my moans.

"Don't hold back. I want to hear you say my name."

"N-Nightmare." I spoke softly. He went back down to my sweet spot and began sucking on it. I could feel his tentacles wrap around my chest and thighs as I let out soft moans of pleasure. How was he so good at this? I felt his hands trail down my body delicately, as if he thought he'd break me, before resting on my hips.

As soon as it had started, he stopped and rested his head on my shoulder, letting out a sigh. I tried bringing my breathing back down to normal, which I was successful at, in a way. I looked up at him, eyeing him with curiosity. He just stared down at me.

"I think it's time."

Edited 9 Nov 2020

Sorry this chapter is slower QwQ

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