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I screamed in pain. I could feel slime trail down me and something come out of my back. I threw up the same gross liquid as I doubled over in pain. I could hear (Dream/Nightmare)'s voice, but I could not hear what he was saying. The world around me turned dark. I looked into a mirror and only saw IT staring back at me. Then everything went black.


I woke up, stifling a scream. I felt the tears streaming down my face. What even WAS that!? I tried calming myself down as I checked the time. 8:00 pm. My eyes widened as I grabbed my stuff and booked it home. Please don't be home yet please don't be home yet PLEASE DON'T BE HOME YET! If only my wishes were a reality. I saw both of my parent's vehicles out front. I slowly went inside, being careful to be quiet.

"Y/N M/N L/N, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE THIS INSTANT!" My eyes widened in horror. I slowly walked into the living room, cowering in fear.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!?" My mother screamed at the top of her lungs. My father was sitting in his recliner, drinking a beer. Just like usual...

"I-I was at the tree again..."


"Bu-" I was quickly silenced by a slap across my face. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked up at my 'mother'.

"I didn't say you could speak, brat!"

"Y-yes mother..."

"Now make us dinner and then go to your room!"

"Yes, ma'am..."

"And no leaving your room tonight, understand!?"

"Yes, ma'am..." I then rushed into the kitchen and made my 'parents' their dinner. I also secretly made myself a sandwich before I rushed off to my room. I slowly ate my food in peace before I could hear my door being locked from the outside. I rushed over to it and tried opening the door before I started banging on it. I cried, begging to be let out. I went over to my bed and wept. I could feel a comforting presence in my room as I started feeling drowsy. I passed out in my bed, dried up tears on my face.


I was back in the strange dark halls again. I knew what to do instantly. I got up and started running. I could hear him laughing. It sent chills up my spine. I knew I had to get to the tree. Right, left, left, straight, right, right, right, left, straight. I could see the door! I booked it to get to it, but then something blocked me. It was him. I back away from him before I started running in the opposite direction. Before I could turn the corner, I felt his long tendril, stab me in the arm and drag me backward. I cried out as pain coursed through me. I felt myself lean against his chest as he held me there. Why isn't he killing me...?

He then carefully picked me up. I felt nauseous, but it only lasted for a moment. I realized we were in a different location. It looked like a master bedroom. There was a large king-sized bed that he set me upon. He went over to a dresser with a large intricate mirror on it. He opened up a drawer. I looked at the mirror. His reflection looked like...

"N-Nightmare...?" He looked at me for a moment, before closing the dresser and pulling out some bandages and ointment. He sat down on the bed next to me and held a rag containing the ointment on it.

"Please don't scream. This might hurt a bit. I wouldn't want to wake the others." The others...? Before I could even ask, he placed the rag on my wound. I hissed in pain, trying my best to stifle any screams. He then wrapped up my wounds before making me lay down. He got in bed next to me and just held me like that.

"W-why are you being so nice to me...?"

"..." He just looked away, a faint cyan color on his face. I yawned a bit as he started stroking my hair. I snuggled in closer to him as I fell asleep.

Edited 14 March 2020

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