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"So what are you gonna do about that?"

"I'm gonna introduce you to everyone."


Nightmare carefully guided me back to the bedroom. I took note of the tall, inky skeletons that roamed around the place, almost blending in with the shadows on the walls. Their eyesockets were void of emotions. They creep me out more than anyone else in here.

Nightmare opened the door to the bedroom and guided me over to the bed.

"I take it that Error didn't hurt you." Ah, he must be referring to the glitchy dude.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I stated, looking up at him.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go round up everyone. Stay here, ok?" I nodded. He gave me a kind smile and a peck on the head before he left the room. I could feel the heat rush to my face at his actions. I hate to admit it, but I was catching feelings for this guy.

I got up and went over to the mirror. God, I look like such a mess. My hair was tangled, my face was dirty, and my clothes were disheveled. I should freshen up, I thought to myself. I looked over and saw a door, one I hadn't gone through before. I opened it, revealing a bathroom.

Good, I thought to myself. There's bathrooms in this place. I closed the door behind me before I took of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I sighed as I felt the relaxing warm water run down my skin, feeling the grime and dirt come off with each scrub. Once I was done, I stepped out and grabbed a nearby towel and dried myself off.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped out was the fresh pair of clothes on the bed. Nightmare must've been in here recently. I picked up the clothes and blushed. It was a black halter top dress and some black leggings, with black flats. I gulped, but I put on the outfit anyways. The dress was extremely form-fitting, showing off every curve of my body. In addition to that, the skirt was really short, just barely going over my butt.

I didn't feel comfortable in going out in just this, so I looked through the closet and found an oversized black hoodie, which I happily put on. I then went over and sat on the bed, waiting for Nightmare.

And then, there was a knock.

Edited 8 Nov 2020

It's super fucking late hnnnnnnng-

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