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I eventually felt myself growing tired, and before I knew it, I passed out. But I didn't find myself in a pleasant place in my dream. If I could ever even call it that...


I recognized this place. Only because it has plagued my dreams for so long now. The pitch-black stone walls that were illuminated every now and then by blue lanterns didn't fool me with its beauty. I slowly got up and stretched my aching limbs. I could hear him get closer, his loud footsteps echoing around the empty hall. That's when I started running. I knew that if I stayed still, that THING would kill me. I ran through this maze of halls full of doors, eventually reaching a hallway with a door at the end of it. I ran towards the door, knowing that I couldn't turn back around anyways. I rushed through the door, being a bit blinded by the sun.

Wait, sunlight? I slowly opened my eyes, which then widened in surprise. It was the tree. On the golden side was a skeleton leaning against it. The sun was shining brightly on his golden outfit. On the other side, another skeleton, facing away from the first. He wore purple, with golden trims. The moon glistened over him. I noticed that they both wore crowns of some sort. I couldn't see their faces. It's almost as if it wanted me to choose first before I could see their faces.

But who should I choose?


💛 Figure 1

* Figure 2

You decided to choose the first figure

I walked towards the lighter side. The other figure disappeared as the facial features of him became clear. He looked so...kind. I just sat down next to him as I get hit by a wave of positive emotions. He was holding a golden apple.

"Uh, h-hello," I said nervously.

"Oh, hi! I'm Dream!"

"I'm Y/N," I said, feeling a bit more confident.

"What a nice name," He spoke sweetly.

I smiled, looking at the apple in his hand. What sort of secrets do you hold...?

"So, who guards this tree?"

"Myself and my brother, Nightmare." So that's what his name is...

"What do your apples do?"

"They make people feel positive, as they are filled with only good feelings."

"...may I have a bite of it...?"

He looked at me with a conflicted look at first but then handed me the apple. "I guess it wouldn't hurt..."

In the distance, a raven cawed.

As soon as I touched it, it turned black and caused the tree to turn completely dark. The sun was soon replaced by the moon. In a panic to see just how positive the golden ones were, I ate the apple. I ate more. And more. I screamed in pain. I could feel slime trail down me and something come out of my back. I threw up the same gross liquid as I doubled over in pain. I could hear Dream's voice, but I could not hear what he was saying. The world around me turned dark. I looked into a mirror and only saw IT staring back at me. Then everything went black.

* Nightmare did not like this choice...


* Figure 1

💜 Figure 2

You decided to choose the second figure

I walked towards the darker side. The other figure disappeared as the facial features of him became clear. He looked so...sad. I just sat down next to him as I get hit by a wave of negative emotions. He was holding a dark apple.

"Uh, h-hello," I said nervously.

"Oh, h-hey. I'm Nightmare."

"I'm Y/N," I said, feeling a bit more confident.

"What a p-pretty name," He spoke calmly, with a few stutters here and there. His voice was so silky, I couldn't help but blush. Purple washed across his face as well

I smiled, looking at the apple in his hand. What sort of secrets do you hold...?

"So, who guards this tree?"

"Myself and my brother, Dream." So that's what his name is...

"What do your apples do?"

"They make people feel negative, as they are filled with only bad feelings..." He spoke, looking down sadly. I felt bad for him.

"...may I have a bite of it...?"

He looked at me with a conflicted look at first but then handed me the apple. "I guess it wouldn't hurt..."

In the distance, a raven cawed.

I took a bite of it. I almost craved for more of it. So I ate more. And more. And more. I screamed in pain. I could feel slime trail down me and something come out of my back. I threw up the same gross liquid as I doubled over in pain. I could hear Nightmare's voice, but I could not hear what he was saying. The world around me turned dark. I looked into a mirror and only saw IT staring back at me. Then everything went black.

* Nightmare is pleased with your choice


Yup, I edited this chapter as a kinda "choose your path" kinda thing. It doesn't really affect future choices, kinda like in Deltarune, but y'know, I wanted to spice things up. Enjoy!

Edited 13 March 2020

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