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I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear the back door open.

In the distance, a raven cawed.


I could hear chuckling, which snapped me out of my train of thought. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and barricaded my door. I then grabbed the baseball bat from the corner of my room. I stood in front of the door, clutching my weapon tightly. I could hear his laughter everywhere.

I don't know how Nightmare managed to get out of my dream, but he's out for me.

I have to find a way out.

I looked over at my window. There! I ran over to the window and attempted to open it. It was locked from the outside. Dammit! I shouldn't have snuck out that one night to go to the tree! I lifted up the bat and swung it at the window. I could hear the window cracking with every swing.


Bingo! I jumped out of the window and onto the roof. I looked down at the trash cans below. Yes! I jumped down, but before I reached the garbage cans, I felt a tendril wrap around my waist. I wrestled to try and ger out of his grip. I was not gonna die today.


I gripped tightly to the bad and swung at his tentacle. Hard. He quickly let me go as he cried out in pain. I landed on the trash cans and booked it into the forest. I had to get to the tree, I had to. I knew that whatever protected the tree nowadays would surely protect me from him. I could still hear his laugh rattling around in my skull. I ran and ran. I reached the tree, sitting underneath the dark side.

I felt myself shaking out of fear. I dropped my bat down next to me, huddling up in a ball. I wanted to be brave, but I could feel myself giving in to my fear. Suddenly, I felt warm arms wrap around me. I felt my body loosen up. It felt so...familiar.

"Don't worry, everything is alright." I froze up. No! Before I could grab my bat, I felt a sudden sting on my neck. I noticed myself grow dizzy. What did he do to me!? Soon, I slipped into unconsciousness.

Edited 17 March 2020

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