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"Damn boss, you actually marked her." The goopy-eyed dude spoke up. I just hid behind Nightmare.

"Of course I did. She's mine."


Soon enough, the introduction was over. I relaxed as soon as we left. I walked happily next to Nightmare. He guided me carefully back to the bedroom, where he sat down on the bed and placed me on his lap. He buiried his head in the crook of my neck, taking in my scent. I relaxed into him, closing my eyes a bit. He wrapped his arms around my waist, sighing happily. Everything was peaceful.

In the distance, a raven cawed.

A loud explosion was suddenly heard from somewhere in the castle. I jumped a bit in surprise, whereas Nightmare lifted his head.

"They're here."

"Who?" I looked up at Nightmare, who carefully set me down on the bed and rushing over to the door.

"Stay here." was all he said before he rushed out of the room. I was confused. What was that all about? I decided to stay put as he said. I didn't want to get hurt or worry him. But what if he gets hurt?

A debate ran through my mind as I tried to figure out if I should help or not. I should help. I made up my mind as I looked around for a weapon, finding my baseball bat in the corner of the room. Perfect. I grabbed it and sprinted out of the room, running towards where all the noise was coming from.

Oh, how I wished I'd stayed in the bedroom. It was like a warzone. Bones and string were everywhere. Skulls resembling some sort of animal in different shapes, sizes, and appearances shot out beams on the battlefield. It was chaotic. I noticed 2 new figures, but just barely. One was wearing blue and seemed to look similar to Raspberry, only not edgy. The other, however, wore yellow and looked a lot like Nightmare in his non-corrupted form. That must be his brother.

I tried looking for Nightmare, but I couldn't find him, so I moved away from the action and looked around for him. I stumbled across the throne room, where I found him facing off against another skeleton, donned in brown clothing. He held a giant brown paintbrush in his phalanges.

"Nightmare, just tell me where the girl is."

"Never!" He shot his tentacles at the skeleton, who dodged out of the way. I ttook this opprotunity to run up behind him and swing my bat at his skull. It made contact, which caused him to stumble a bit.

"Y/n, what are you doing here!? Get out of here!"

"I'm not gonba leave you behind, Nightmare!" I went to run up to him, but I couldn't move. I looked down at my chest, where I saw a heart, which went from s/c to blue. I looked behind me to see the skeleton.

"Well, that was easier than I thought." The skeleton opened up a portal and gently set me down on the ground on the other side.

"Y/-" then the portal closed, and I was all alone.

Edited 9 Nov 2020

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