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☆This chaper does contain a bit of smut, so be warned.☆

I looked at Nightmare. His tentacle was still wrapped around my waist, but it wasn't tight. It was actually pretty comforting. Error and Horror walked off as soon as they stepped out of the portal. It was just me and Nightmare.

He started walking down the hall, making turns every now and then, until finally reaching a door. He opened it and stepped inside the room, revealing it to be his bedroom. He sat down on the bed, setting me down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. His breathing was rough, which sent shivers down my spine.

"Nightmare? Are you feeling ok?" He didn't respond. His grip around my waist only got tighter as he pushed me up against his chest. I turn my head slightly to look at him.

"...Nightmare?" He lifted his head off of my shoulder and looked at me as he slowly placed a tentacle under my chin. I became a bit confused. Befor I could react, though, he quickly and suddenly wrapped the rest of his tentacles around the back of my head and pulled my head towards his, causing our mouths to connect. My eyes widened in shock before I melted in his embrace. He tightened his grip on me, making me unable to move. He squeezed my hips, causing me to gasp. He took this moment to stick his tongue into my mouth, which made me shiver in his embrace. His tongue explored the inside of my mouth, touching every square inch of it. It felt like it was an eternity before we pulled back, even though it was only a few minutes. My breathing was heavy as I tried to catch my breath.

"Is everything alright?" He still didn't respond. He only wrapped his tentacles around me and shoved me onto the bed, putting his arms on either side of my head. His tencales were stilled wrapped around me, with on or two of them around my arms, legs, and hips. He put his legs in between mine just so that I wouldn't be able to close them. He smashes his mouth against my lips as he brings his body closer to mine. This time, the kiss didn't last as long. Once he pulled back, he leaned into my ear.

"You're mine. You belong to me. Hehe~" he whispered in a dark tone, which dusted my cheeks a light shade of pink. He then starts kissing me, starting from below my ear and going slowly down my neck. Once he reached my collar bone, I felt faint. I try to stifle a moan, even going so far as to try and cover my mouth. But his tentacles keep me in place, but he realized that he's found my soft spot. He starts biting and sucking on that spot, which makes me tense up a bit and makes my breating become short and ragged. He eventually lets go of my arms, which I almost instantly wrap around his back. I move my hands up and down his neck and spine, which caused him to shiver. But, of course, all good things must come to an end.

We eventally stop. Nightmare gets off of me and lays down next to me, as he uses some of his tentacles to pull the blanket over us before pulling me close to his chest. I let out a yawn.

"Goodnight, Nightmare."

"Goodnight, my pet."

And then we both drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace.

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