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He nods and lifts me up, laying down. He sets me down next to him. I lay down as he then pulls the covers over us.

"Sweet dreams."

And then I fell asleep.



I woke up in a peaceful meadow. I was sitting underneath a tree on a hill, overlooking a field of flowers. The flowers came in all different kinds of colors, from blood red to deep violet. It kinda reminded me of the picture I drew recently. I stood up and looked down at my outfit, realizing that my normal outfit was replaced with a thin white dress. It had short sleeves and the fabric was super soft and comfy. I twirl in place, giggling as the skirt spun with me. I heard a soft chuckle nearby. I stopped spinning and looked towards the source of the laughter. It was...

"Dream!" I smiled and ran over to him, giving him a huge hug.

"Y/N!" He shared the embrace with me. It felt so warm. We eventually part from our hug. I smiled at him.

"How have you been, sis?" (Dream sees Y/N as like a sibling, and vice versa.)

"Well..." I stand there for a moment, thinking. "It's been hectic."

"Ah, I get it."

"Anyways, how has Ink been?"

He look at me with a smile, but his eyes told me that it wasn't good. He sighed and gave me a bit of a serious look.

"I wish I could say he's doing ok. He's really heartbroken." I have him a look of pity and gave him another hug. I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Please, tell him that I'm ok and that I love him so much, ok?" He hugged me back and nodded. We stayed there for a few minutes before we finally pulled away. I then started noticing that some of the flowers started turning black. I looked at Dream and he seemed to notice too.

"Crap. Nightmare's coming." He looked at me, worried.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. You should leave."

He looked like he wanted to argue, but I shook my head.

"He might hurt you if he finds you here. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt. So please leave, ok?" He looked at me for a moment and sighed.

"Ok." He opened up a portal and stepped through, looking at me. I waved at him,and he waved back before closing the portal. I looked around and saw that most things were already dead and decaying. I looked at the tree to see that it was completely gone. I sighed and looked out at the field of decaying flowers. I suddenly felt a chill up my spine. I turned around and saw Nightmare.

"Hello, dear. It's time to wake up~" I just gave him a smallnod before I woke up.


I sat up in bed, realizing that I was alone. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Uh, c-come in."

The door opens and a female walks in. But it's not Annabelle. Heck, she actually might be a human! She had long brown hair, light gray eyes, and pure white skin. She wore combat boots, a green hoodie with an oversized gray shirt underneath and black jeans. She was also wearing a cloak for some reason, which kinda confused me, but whatever.

 She was also wearing a cloak for some reason, which kinda confused me, but whatever

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(Credit to @Jadewolke for the drawing and their wonderful oc, Lexi!)

"'Sup." She said calmly.

"Uh, hi. I'm, do you need anything...?" I spoke with uncertainty. She just closed the door and walked over to me, sitting down on the bed next to me. I looked into her eyes and realized that her pupils weren't normal. They had been replaced by black skulls, which surprised me a bit.

"Nah. Nightmare told me to introduce myself to you. The name's Lexi."

"Well, uh, nice to meet you." I looked at her for a moment. "Are...are you a human?"

"No. I'm a soul reaper." She said with a blank look on her face.


"Welp, anyways, I'm gonna go now, see ya." And with that, she walked out of the room. I sat there for a moment before I just laid back down, sinking into my thoughts.

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