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"W-why are you being so nice to me...?"

"..." He just looked away, a faint cyan color on his face. I yawned a bit as he started stroking my hair. I snuggled in closer to him as I fell asleep.



I slammed my hand down on my alarm, silencing it instantly. Right. School. I get up and put on my uniform. I go downstairs and make myself a piece of toast whilst I make a big breakfast for my 'parents'. I then quickly get on my shoes, fill back up the water bottle halfway, grab my book bag, and then walk to school. Father always told me that if I had legs, I was perfectly capable of walking. Luckily it made my legs stronger, so I could run faster than most kids in my class.

I walk into the building know to me as Hell, but to others as School. I walked through the halls, feeling their eyes on me. I could hear their whispers easily.

"It's the freak."

"I heard that she managed to survive the tree dare."

"She's a monster."

I didn't let them bother me. I just walked to my first class, hoping that I don't run into B/N.


I managed to not run into her. I was so lucky. I walk to the tree as usual and do my normal routine. I didn't notice that someone else was there with me till I saw B/N walk out from behind a tree. She brought her posse with her. This can't be good...

"Hey there, freak."

"P-please, I don't w-want any trouble today..."

She walked up to me and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me up.

"Did I say that you could talk to me?" I shook my head no, tears forming in my eyes. She then slammed my head against the tree. She did it a few times before letting me go. Tears were streaming down my face. Her posse came over and the three of them began to kick me over and over again.


"No one loves you."

"Why don't you just die already."

In the distance, a raven cawed.

I could hear screaming from them as I felt the torment stop. I couldn't tell what was going on, but I swore I could see something black zooming towards B/N before I passed out.


I woke up underneath the tree, the sky already dark and starry. I look up to see Nightmare looking down at me.

"A-are you alright???"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I said, groaning in pain. He leaped down from the tree and put a hand over my bruises. A green light came out of his hand as my bruise was slowly being healed. As he was doing this, I had a sudden urge to sing. So I did.

"Just an average girl,

She always wore a smile.

She was cheerful and happy

For a short while.

Now she's older,

Things are getting colder.

Life's not what she thought,

She wished someone had told her.

She told you she was down,

You let it slip by.

So from then on,

She kept it on the inside.

She told herself she was alright,

But she was telling white lies.

Can't you tell?

Look at her dull eyes.

She tried to stop herself from crying almost every night,

But she knew there was no chance of feeling alright.

Summer came by,

All she wore was long sleeves.

'Cause those cuts on her wrists were bleeding through,

You see?

She knew she was depressed,

Didn't want to admit it.

Didn't think she'd fit in,

Everyone seemed to miss it.

She carried on like a soldier with a battle wound,

Bleeding out from every cut her body consumed."

Nightmare gave me a sad smile. I could tell that he related to my story. At this point, he finished tending to my wounds and sat down next to me.

"You know, y-you have a wonderful voice." I blushed in response, thanking him. I leaned my head against his shoulder. I yawned as he petted my head before I gave into unconsciousness.

I would quickly like to say one thing. If you or a loved one is suffering from depression and/or suicidal thoughts, please seek help immediately. No one deserves to suffer in silence. If no one will listen to you, then myself and the readers of this book are here for you. Come talk to me if you have no one there to help you.

Edited 15 March 2020.

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