Part 1 ∞∞∞ Return

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The day was warm. A good temperature for outdoor "activities". I thought with a smile and flicked off the remaining liquid sticking to my sword. The smell coming from the corpse was more than pleasant as I washed my nostrils with the new spring air. I sheathed my sword once again and sighed.

"Never knew you were the kind to appreciate nature." The gruff, puppet, voice flew into my ears as I tried (very hard indeed) to take in the view of the blue sky.

"Then you're probably an idiot." I snapped back and leaned onto a nearby sakura tree, it's pink and white flowers in full bloom. "Plus, we rarely get to have missions this close to shinobi villages. Despite how rotten they are, you have to admit, they have awesome scenery."

"No, they don't. It would look 150% better if it was exploding." The blonde kid spat as he continued moulding his miniature cat. I had given him the idea of cute animals around one year ago and he has been waist deep into its studies for quite a while now, only recently discovering how to make it actually look adorable and not just some mis-formed lump of white, fleshy creature.

The cat shifted slightly in his hand and gradually lifted itself up, it's size growing as Deidara dropped it onto the ground with a soft "plop". "How do you like 'dis?"
I watched the cat bounce around in all liveliness and rolled my eyes. Shouldn't have introduced the term "cute" into Deidara's life. No. I shouldn't have even taught him how to make his clay objects animated, to begin with.

The noisy and life-filled village rolled along their own business underneath me as I smiled down at Konohagakure. It's been a long time since I've seen it in such a full blast.  It wasn't as though if I missed it anyhow (maybe a little of the food and the bedding but definitely nothing else) or even felt nostalgic for my short two years in it. It was merely a place I had been in and lived for. A place where I learned more of the world and a time period in which I could choose my own path.

 My own path which I laid out.

I turned away from the ever-bustling village and massaged my wrists. They were sore from all the battling but it wasn't as if the targets were strong. There was just too many.
"Why do you think Leader is having us kill Konoha shinobis?" Sasori asked gruffly as we stepped past the deformed bodies once again, turning to leave.

"Who knows. He does whatever he likes." I answered, staring blankly into the trees ahead. I could feel Sasori's eyes burning into my back as I manoeuvred back into the forest, skillfully erasing my chakra scent along the way.

The three of us remained quiet for the rest of the way back towards our temporary "camp". Deidara's cat was long forgotten and Sasori shifted back into his puppet form (in which he somehow found comfort). The "camp" (to be honest, it's more like a village) was located unnervingly close to Konohagakure and sometimes, Konoha shinobis even stay at the motel we had picked out. It was the only three-storied building in the entire small village crowded with people from all kinds of backgrounds.

There, of course, is a reason for picking this inconspicuous, small, village that normal people would walk past and not give a second glance. Believe it or not, we didn't choose it because it wasn't well-known or it was secretive. We chose it because, 1. It's close to Konohagakure and 2. It offers a  wide range of people "ready for the slaughter". It may sound ridiculous, but 100%, it's true. With the number of experiments Sasori and I are doing, it's hard to survive without a ready source of human subjects.

But of course, we always grant the willing subjects a painless death.

To say it in broader terms, this village is basically our, the factory owner's, breeding house for animals. All of this village is under our control, and, if Sasori ever felt like it, he can create a puppet army out of every single person living inside this village (around 200).

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