Part 2 ∞∞∞ Revival

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I sat, my arms folded across my chest, peering at the two timid boys sitting obediently across the table. Both had raven black hair with lively yellow eyes. It was to some extent unnerving how much they looked alike but... I had seen perfectly identical twins before. It wasn't exactly a good experience either.

"So these are the volunteers you found?" I snapped at Kakuzu and he grunted. He clearly wasn't in the mood for being lectured today. But then again, he has never been in the mood to be lectured and judged in the past... what? 89 years of his pitiful life?

"You might be surprised as to what they can do," Kakuzu muttered and flopped down onto the ground, his face a mask of nonchalance.

"Well, well, well. We'll have to see about that." I said and snapped my fingers. The candlelight in the room was snuffed out in a whirl of cold air. I could hear the gasps and slight shriek of the two boys and frowned disapprovingly. If Kakuzu had chosen these two frail, timid, weak, pitiable creatures and bothered to bring them all the way here, then this can't be all these boys have to offer.

"Maybe you should try killing them." Kakuzu offered in the darkness and I shrugged. If Kakuzu had tried to kill them and failed, that would be the true reason these boys were here. For me to try my hand out.

I inhaled sharply and closed my eyes, feeling and beckoning to the fiery feeling inside my chest. The darkness pressed down onto my skin like a layer of smoke and I could feel it seeping into my skin, covering me. I willed it to take over...

Kakuzu waited in the darkness for the girl to act. She seemed a puny little girl at first glance but four years of experience had taught him otherwise. She may have truly been a wretched creature of the world two years ago, but certainly not now.

He sensed the change in her before she even told him.

She was done with peace and lovey-dovey business. She was done fooling around like a child. She had a serious mission to accomplish. And she would use anyone, anything, to achieve it.

The pair of crimson red eyes glowed through the darkness and Kakuzu felt the two boys squirm in their positions, unsure about what was to come.

He had taught them in their first attempt that escaping was no use. If they tried it a second time, he assured them their limbs and head will be off before they even caught sight of the daylight. They believed every word he had said.

"Riku and Ken-kun, ne?"

Kakuzu smirked. The girl had gotten even stronger. Reading minds through genjutsu wasn't something anyone could do. The unsettling chakra was spreading all over the room, leaking from every crevice and every turn of the wall...

"Help...!" The boy on the left, Riku, shrieked, his voice sharp and shrill, trembling with fear. Even Kakuzu felt a little uneasy as Yoru's chakra melt all over the room. Into the room... her whole essence had become the room.

"And~ Which one of you volunteer for death?" She cooed, her voice flowing from every corner of the dark room. No... Kakuzu corrected himself, it wasn't simply a room anymore, it's her playground.

"Pl—please don't...!" The other of the two, Ken, stuttered before Kakuzu heard a crisp crack echo throughout the air. Silence followed. Kakuzu waited impatiently for You's next move. He could almost imagine the scene when the lights switch back on.

A dull thump broke the thick, hanging, tension in the room and Kakuzu smirked. With another snap, the candles burned bright again and he stared down at the headless boy, swimming in a pool of his own blood. It wasn't even exactly headless. A chunk of flesh hung off of its neck and pieces of bone shards scattered around the liquid which soaked into the girl's long, sweeping, cloak. The deformed face reflected none of Ken's previous features.

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