Part 10

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Kakashi looked carefully at the black hair, browned eyed, silent girl. She hadn't moved her mouth once since he had woken up two hours ago. The two of them were in a secretive looking clearing with a huge boulder in the centre where the girl was laying out her herbs. She had left ten minutes ago and came back with a handful of suspicious looking herbs. Kakashi didn't even bother pretending to have eaten all of them. They were just too... abhorrent.

"What's your name?" He asked for the nth time this hour and the girl ignored him again. Kakashi rubbed his chest and felt the hole on the back of his shirt. He would've left the company of the girl ages ago if not for the fact that his chest ached whenever he tried to walk. The one time that he had tried, his knees gave up underneath him because of the pain.

He had tried to get the girl to tell him where he was but the fact that he was still here proved it didn't work that well.

"Akira-san~ Master told me to tell you t—"

A boy rushed into the clearing and Kakashi whipped up a kunai, leaping to his feet to defend himself. His wound screamed at him but he remained standing, facing the pale-blue haired boy. The boy took at glance at Kakashi and opened his mouth, scorn was written clearly on his face.

"Stop looking." A voice muttered from behind Kakashi and he watched in silent wonder as the girl walked up beside him. Her voice was surprisingly sweet and familiar.

"Master said— Why in the world— who is—" The boy barked as he leapt up to the girl in a swift move that Kakashi even struggled to catch. This boy definitely wasn't some average boy. He was too agile, too good at hiding his scent, and too good at being sly. The two of them huddles together into a fierce argument that seemed to go on with mostly staring and rolling eyes.

"Um, excuse me. Can you tell me where I am... please?" Kakashi asked politely, squinting his eyes into a smile. The girl only glared at him, breaking her hushed conversation with the boy.

"I'm Akira. He's Sakon. We're in the Land of Waves." The girl said simply and Kakashi nodded, still trying to hide the surprise at how soft her voice is. It was so familiar... screaming at the edge of his memory.

The last thing he could remember was fighting a long-haired girl and... Momochi Zabuza? How was that possible? Kakashi wasn't sure either. His memories came back in minute to minute frames as he tried to piece them together. It wasn't working very well. At least you're still alive. He assured himself as he remembered the girl showing him how far the kunai had gotten itself lodged in his chest. And somehow, she had managed to stitch the wound up.

"I'm Sakon, like Yo— Akira said." The boy repeated with a hesitant, and clearly unwilling smile, and Kakashi paused and nodded at the two, unsure if he had heard the boy stutter.

Both of their eyes were sharp and witty as they gazed back at Kakashi. He could tell that they weren't that simple... but why? If they were sent by Gato, there would be no use saving him. If they were sent by someone else... what was the motivation? Does he have something they need? Are they after his Sharingan and the village? Maybe even Sasuke or Naruto...?

"Don't worry. We're not after you or your bratty shinobi kids. We just need you to stay here for a while. If you're wondering how long you've been here for, it's one day. Your students should be with a clone right now so you don't have to worry. We'll let you go soon enough." Akira said mechanically and Kakashi nodded slowly, "Sakon." Akira barked and the boy nodded, taking out a katana from inside his shirt. He threw the katana towards Kakashi and he caught it with a swift flash of his hand. Kakashi looked down at the katana and back at the two children. What was going on? What did they want from him? It was hilarious and shameful how he was currently under the control of two children that didn't look any older than Naruto.

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