Part 17

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Kabuto stood outside the gates of an abandoned temple, one of the few meet up points he had originally set with Sasori. A butterfly fluttered by as he twirled a kunai between his fingers. He gazed coldly up at the scene.

The way lives were born and lost always intrigued Kabuto. He always wondered if the butterflies knew they were butterflies and if they had their own will to fly the direction in which they want to fly. He wondered whether humans actually have a choice in their life and whether they are truly who they are.

An identity.

That was what he wanted to find.

"Kabuto-sama, two chakra signals coming from the South. Approaching fast."

Kabuto nodded sharply at the shadow perched on the tree nearby and checked his shinobi tools bag. Everything was inside. All he needed to do now was to wait for Sasori to arrive.

He let the uncontrollable smirk spread across his face in malice. It agitated him that this was getting exciting. But he still couldn't stop his heart from beating harder and harder. Faster and faster.

This was going to be fun.


I paused for a moment and closed my eyes, taking in the two slightly weaker chakra signals coming from the abandoned temple. There was one person on the tree and one person in front of the temple, standing in plain sight. The fact that I recognized both chakra signals did not excite me at all.

"Do you see them?" Sasori asked impatiently, his deep puppet voice echoing from somewhere near the ground. It would be reasonable if Sasori didn't want someone like Kabuto to see his real form. I can imagine the things Kabuto could and would do then. And take my word, it isn't pleasant.

"Kabutos standing out front, Ukon on a tree... individually... without Sakon..." I muttered and Sasori gazed at me weirdly. I guess he doesn't know who Sakon and Ukon are. "So, how do you want to enter? Dramatic, normal, business-like?" I offered and Sasori grunted a response underneath his breath which sounded something like "eat your ass". Or maybe it's just my hallucinations. Who knows. Who cares.

"Well I guess since you have no preference, let's do those cliche "I'm holding your comrade hostage, do what I tell you to do" things," I offered and Sasori gave me another dark look. I guess he really isn't in the mood to be entertained today. "I'll do an easy count down, 'kay?"

Sasori nodded.



LEt's GOOO~"

I darted forwards with a boost of wind chakra and bolted onto the tree Ukon was hiding on, grabbing him by the nape and pulling him down with me into a bush underneath.

"Shhh~ Or else I'll slit your tendons," I cooed into Ukon's ears and I felt him freeze. That's a good boy. I thought with a smile playing at my lips as I gazed back at the main road leading to the temple. I felt Ukon squirm underneath my arm as Sasori shuffled into sight. He was staring right ahead at Kabuto, standing at the door of the temple. Kabuto smiled coyly at his master and kneeled, his head bowing deep, almost touching his knees.

"Rise, Kabuto," Sasori grumbled in his deep voice and I smirked. It was entertaining watching Kabuto being such an obedient dog. I wonder how Orochimaru punished him for getting Tayuya, Kidomaru, and Jirobo killed. But then again, he had managed to split the surviving Ukon and Sakon into two individuals... that pedo snake probably loved that.

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