Part 51

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That familiar smell.

Burnt chicken.


"The hell." I cursed, opening my sour and bloated eyes. My eyelids felt heavy and my eyes dead. I could barely see anything through the darkness.

It was too dark to be normal.

Where was the whitewashed world of the Byakugans... the sharp senses of every presence within my reach. The reek of chakra.

It was too silent, too monotone... too dark.

But there was someone in the room. I could detect that far. Moving my shoulders, I tried to drive the sourness away. Only an emptiness hit me straight into the chest.

It ached so much.

My hands and feet were in chains. Rusted metal chains.


I instantly lifted my head up, squinting, trying to differentiate a human form from the darkness. That voice.

"My name is Morino Ibiki... and yours is Yoru, I assume."


"You fucking bastard... what do you want with me." I muttered, letting my dry raspy voice echo around the room. Ibiki seemed to hesitate for a while before clicking something open.

Light cast into the room.

Through the hazy yellow and white world, I could dimly see Ibiki leaning on the wall at the end of the room, his narrow eyes staring me down. It was a familiar room... but bigger. Newer. The chains tying me down were also firmer.

Now that I could actually see my restraints, I could tell that some kind of  jutsu was placed on it. My eyes seemed unwilling to click further than that.

"What I want with you...? I don't think you're doing the questioning this time." Ibiki said solemnly, his low voice vibrating through my ears.

As my eyes adjusted more I more, I began to take in the whole form of the room.

Bloody chains and ropes hung off all the three walls... even the bars were stained with brown and reddish substances.

The torture and interrogation room.

I choked out a laugh, which only forced myself into a coughing fit. My chest ached so much.

"Why did you attack Konoha."

I looked up.

Ibiki was now standing before me, his eyes scanning a tray of iron tools, placed on a trolly before him.

Is this the place I'll die?

That... wouldn't be too bad.

The wafting smell...

maybe I'll soon turn into a burning chunk of meat myself.

Ibiki however, didn't seem inclined to pick up the red-hot kunai and stab it through my body. Instead, he decided on a small scalpel knife.

"I've seen that too often that it stopped hurting me. You might want to rechoose," I said. Ibiki raised his head and smiled.

"That's the point, Yoru. It's for you the remember the old times and remember your past. This way, I'll get the information I want. Now, answer my question."

I smiled. That fucking snake. That fucking seal. I glared down at my blackened arm. Ibiki didn't seem to especially notice it. Maybe he thought it natural for the enemy to be this way. Wounded, lonely, and desperate.

Survival II (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now