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"Tsunade-sama! Please! Listen to me... this is a bad choice."

Anko rushed out from the crowd, blocking the Anbu members carrying the cage towards the building. The girl within those bars was to be killed in the Anbu headquarters under the supervision of Tsunade, the new Hokage.

"Anko, please. Back off from this matter. This girl's execution has been sealed and I won't allow any other result. She had killed the Third Hokage and that is felony. This is the only way we can resolve the villager's hate."

"By killing her? You don't understand the whole situation. She is not who must be killed. It's Orochimaru. Tha-"

"Guards, make sure Anko-sama is safely removed from the parameters."

Anko, kicking vigorously, was dragged away as the crowd silently parted ways for her departure.

The girl inside the cage had not muttered a single complaint. A single word. The black cloth was draped over the cage so that only her shadow could be seen. She didn't move a muscle.

"Ero sennin..."

The blonde hair boy's head was still patched with bandages but he had resumed mobility. The wound on his shoulder had also healed. His clear blue eyes flickered between the human-sized cage and his sensei's silence features.

"Naruto, I have already broken the rules, allowing you to accompany me. I don't expect any more complaints from you."

The boy instantly fell silent. Ero Sennin had never spoken so seriously, so calmly...

His eyes couldn't help water up.

The girl was within those cages... those bars.

He couldn't protect her after all.

He understood what she had done.

He hated her for it yet...

He wasn't strong enough...

If it was Sasuke who had-

Turning around, he glanced around the crowd. Only Jonins, special forces, the Anbu, and those closely related to the Hokage were allowed to watch the process of hauling the girl into her execution room. Most had never seen the girl's face before... and Tsunade-sama had made sure they won't.

Kakashi-sensei was standing at the edge of the crowd, his face too far for Naruto to read. Sasuke and Sakura, apparently, weren't invited.

Naruto wanted to boast to them... but what is there to be proud of? Getting invited to a funeral?

Jiraiya looked down at Naruto... his dear apprentice. He placed a firm hand on his shoulder and pulled him to his side. This was too cruel.

When they found Naruto, according to Jiraiya, he was laying in the clearing all alone, his shoulder bleeding away. The trees, mud, and grass had been drenched with the foul stench of blood and chakra. However, their respective owners were long gone.

Konoha had been too late again... unable to stop what will happen...

Tsunade whispered orders to two of her guards as they dispersed into the crowd, eying everyone suspiciously.

If Naruto was found... both he and ero-sennin would have to be punished. Giving the cage a final glance, he darted blindly into the crowd and away.

He'd become stronger next time. He'd master all taught to him and one day...


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Tenzo was sure. He had been so sure.

He was free from the past. He was freed from the bonds of that villain... that monster.

Yet as he stared at the cage, a familiar scent wafted into his nose. Her scent.

Akira had gone missing a week ago.

Her scent was overwhelming.

Yet Tenzo stood there, frozen. He should tell Hokage-sama that she's got the wrong person. He should. Yet day by day, he had seen Akira grow to be more and more like that girl. Yoru.

The girl in the cell. The girl with the blood-red eyes.

He had promised himself to look upon Akira as an ally. As his friend. As the girl who could save him from his forgotten past. She became the only source of support for him. A column that he could lean on.

When she disappeared, it was as though if the ceiling had fallen on top of him, crushing him limb by limb. Of course, he did his task meticulously, never failing a mission, never missing a deadline, never losing the chance to talk with Kakashi.

His mind spoke a different story.

He wanted to know the whole truth. The truth which seemed to be within grasp, locked inside in Kakashi's heart. The truth which Akira reminded him of each and every day. Two identical beings. One in the cell, one next to him.

He couldn't help but fear the girl next to him. He felt ashamed to admit that he was glad that life he returned to normal. The normal which had accompanied him for so long. He didn't need past memories, he didn't need to know the girl.

He wouldn't have anyway if he had not met Akira...

Yet a week later, he was summoned by Kakashi to face the very girl he had evaded, cheated... to watch her death.

Her shadow was unmoving inside the cage.

As black as the night.

The doors were opened as the cage was finally hauled inside.


Tenzo widened his eyes as Kakashi leapt forwards, his eyes a sullen black. Whispering furiously into Hokage-sama's ears, he began to beckon at the girl within the cage. Tenzo merely looked on.

Go with the flow.

He wouldn't object. He wouldn't fight it.

Just let fate wash over you.

Tsunade-sama shook her head as she motioned the Anbu members to continue. Their blades shone an oddly purple light as they lumbered into the dark corridors. Kakashi grabbed a corner of the black cloth, yelling something at the Hokage.

She shook her head again and summoned the guards.

This time, Kakashi turned to stare at him.

Him, Tenzo, hiding behind the trunk of a tree, far behind the crowd.

Kakashi shook his head and pulled.

The black cloth drifted out of the closing doors as Tenzo caught a glimpse of her pale white skin and pale white dress.

He tried to catch her eye.

The door slammed closed.

Her dull black eyes.

His moan escaped before he could.

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I raised my head and looked up at the full moon, my red eyes closing.

"So... it's finally over."

Survival II (A Naruto Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now