Part 37

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I leapt down into the arena, sleep still hovering over my head. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I skipped to the center of the arena. Neji was already waiting with Gekko Hayate. Glancing back up at Kabuto, I saw him give me a small thumbs up. I took that as a 'you can do whatever you want to the Hyuga boy and I won't get in trouble'. I rolled my eyes but the smile still dawned onto my face. That jerk...

Hayate nodded at the both of us and motioned for us to get ready.

"Are both parties in agreement for the duel?"

Neji nodded and so I did too, making sure my face was emotionless. Neji had grown since the last time I saw him... he was been an arrogant brat back then. He still is, but less superficial. He actually has some power to sell. From the looks of things, he seemed to be seriously injured by what I had said to him during our first meeting, however, there was no way he can detect who I was. He doesn't know my name, nor my chakra scent. Plus, my genjutsu is as great as ever. It had even lasted throughout my unconscious state. Ture, Kabuto helped stabilize and freeze that part of my chakra and, however unwillingly, I have to admit, he helped a lot by doing so.

Neji's cold byakugans were inactivated as he looked at me. His two teammates, the double bun girl and the bushy brow male was watching apprehensively... at Neji? Did they feel like he'll accidentally beat me up?

Like hell he will. It'll most likely be the other way around if it comes to that.

But I wouldn't do that to a kid.

Thinking about it, I'm around 3 years or 4 years older than most genins present...

"NEJI-KUN!!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!" The bushy brow genie yelled as Hayate motioned for us to start the duel. I leapt back instantly, dodging Neji's violent attacks forward. The veins surrounding his eyes bulged dangerously as his byakugans sweeped the arena. Should I use genjutsu to end this quickly?

Last time I had seen the boy, he was half killing Uchiha Sasuke. Having him here will be a pain. Guaranteed.

I flexed my arms as I prepared to attack. Better give this boy a lesson before he comes finding trouble with Orochimaru-sama's target again.

"Are you going to run away? You can't forever... the referee will end the tournament if you never attack." Neji shouted irritatedly, his face contorted with disgust at my battle strategy. I wrinkled my brows and stuck out my tongue, secretly activating my eyes through the process. In my genjutsu form, no one can detect that I even have dojutsu. My eyes would only seem even more bluer compared to my pale skin and white hair.

Now that everything is ready.

Hayate, who was standing by the side lines, eyed me curiously as I ran directly towards him. It must seem like a motion of desperation to all watching... I gave out a small laugh. This was far... far from desperation.

As I passed Hayate, I gave him a light tap on the shoulders and ducked behind his body, quickly activating my eyes and casting the jutsu. Neji was seconds after me but I had already released my Katon straight into his face. It was a simple one, just one huge fireball. He used his gentle fist to redirect my attack easily but the point wasn't to burn him... no. I just wanted him to look away for one moment.

I wanted him to be embarrassed in front of everyone.

Just before the flames died out, I stepped out from behind Hayate and put on the blank face that he had on for the entire rounds. The genjutsu wore out my eyes decently but it'll be worth it...

To Neji, two identical referees were standing before him, looking at him. Waiting.

To the audience, Neji was frozen before his enemy and the referee, thinking about something. Hayate looked at me and for once, smirked. He seemed to have caught on and willing to cooperate.

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