Introduction: Frey Sanders

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Saturday, late morning,





"Oh, god, definitely no." Frey shook his head, swiping left once again.

"You're too picky, you'll end up alone." Arun – Frey's best friend – laughed out a little. It caused Frey to smirk while he lounged in bed, swiping girl after girl to the left on Sparkl; a dating-app he used to for a bit of fun every now and then.

Though lately, none of them had been remotely attractive enough to spark a bit of interest in Frey. He didn't even consider chatting with them, let alone meet them.

"Where did all the hot girls go?" Frey whined, throwing his phone aside carelessly, watching it bounce of the bed, hitting the floor with a thump.

"Dude, it could break, you know?"

"If it does, dad will get me a new one anyway." Frey shrugged of Arun's comment, before the boy rolled over to see what Arun was up to.

Arun was still mostly under his covers, typing away on his phone. Frey never considered it impolite or rude to let his friend sleep on the floor while he possessed a king-sized bed with plenty of space to share.

Frey generally didn't share his bed.

With a girl? Maybe.

With a guy? Even a bigger nope than all the girls he just swiped to the left.

Frey knew his dad would more than happily replace his phone if it would break, since he was the kind of parent that didn't want his kid to walk around with a broken phone – or worse, without one. And since Frey had an overly baring, protective and strict mother to deal with on a daily base, his father tended to compensate by spoiling him a bit.

It was all a matter of balance, and to Frey, it worked fine.

Balance had been a key-word in Frey's life for as long as he remembered.

He balanced out his goody-two-shoe life forced upon him by his mother, by acting out during the weekends, when it was mostly his father that supervised him.

If his father payed attention.

He balanced out the periods in which he felt shitty, by being extra active whenever he did have tons of energy to spare.

Frey pulled away the covers, partially, to take a look at Arun's phone.

The boy was chatting on Sparkl, and it peaked Frey's interest enough to try and snatch the phone away. "Got a victim there?"

"You should really stop calling them like that." Arun frowned, rolling away from the other boy. Both to prevent Frey from taking the phone and ruining his chat, and to shield off the screen with his own body. "They're humans too, they have feelings, and I think they deserve respect."

Frey snorted in response, pushing himself up with a laugh. "Arun, they're on Sparkl. They don't deserve respect."

"You're on Sparkl, too." Arun backfired.

Yet, Frey shrugged. "I'm on it for a night of fun, not to find the girl of my dreams." The thought of a relationship didn't sound particularly appealing to Frey. He found himself too young to deal with that – enjoyed his freedom a bit too much. "Live a little, Arun. You don't need a relationship, you just need to get laid and have some fun."

"Remind me again, why are we friends?" Arun voiced his question while pushing himself up on his elbows.

Frey was just about to give him a sarcastic answer, when footsteps sounded in the hallway outside of his bedroom door.

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