Chapter 40 - Do you? [Frey Sanders]

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Wednesday, midday

     Even though it was way in the afternoon, Frey still felt the effects of his medication in the last class of the day. He had trouble staying awake during the class and was thankful his father had called school to explain.

The teachers, for once, didn't scowl at him for nearly falling asleep. They rather tried to keep him awake by asking him questions every so often. They generally dealt with the situation well; not ignoring it, but not putting him in the spotlights either.

Besides Daniel, only his friends Arun, Wes, James and Hendrik knew about his disorder, and the fact he was now taking medication for it that caused him to feel and act like a zombie.

Well, and Jenna, but she wasn't in this school, and he really didn't feel like seeing her any time soon.

Daniel had told him what she had done to keep Daniel away from him, and he wasn't as forgiving as Daniel.

Not that Daniel had completely forgiven her for it, but he did tell Frey he wanted to fix their friendship at some point. She was too important to him to hold grudges for the rest of his life.

Besides, Daniel hated being in fights with people for too long.

Though he had agreed with him that Frey's mother was someone who was impossible to live with for too long. He still expected Frey to end the fight someday, but he admitted it might have been too early.

Frey wanted to stop fighting with his mother too, mostly because it would mean he wouldn't feel hurt by her any longer.

He just wasn't in the right state of mind to deal with it any time soon.

But his medication wasn't the only thing that kept causing his mind to drift off. Daniel was on his mind too. Or more so, the fact Frey had noticed the smile on his face when he had called him his boyfriend.

And the fact they weren't officially together, and Frey didn't really know why he had said it was too soon.

They liked each other, so what was he waiting for?

He didn't know, and the smile on Daniel's face told him more than enough; Daniel liked the thought of being his boyfriend.

And Daniel, when he said he didn't mind Frey's disorder, had said things that warmed him from within, and made him feel loved in a way he hadn't felt before. It was all new, seriously dating, having actual feelings, and a relationship; even if they weren't official yet.

He eventually told his friends he would be right back during lunch, and walked through the lunchroom, towards the table where Daniel was seated.

He slid in a free chair next to Daniel, and leaned towards him, interrupting something Lacy had been telling him.

Daniel instantly had turned around to face him, and Lacy didn't seem pleased. She huffed, crossed her arms, rolled her eyes and turned to Michelle, who was dreamily staring into the distance.

Probably towards Arun.

"Hey." Frey addressed Daniel only, smiling towards him. He badly wanted to lean further towards Daniel to kiss him, but he wasn't exactly feeling comfortable with coming out.

So he didn't.

"Hey." Daniel breathed the word out with a smile. "What's up?"

"Can we talk? In private? After school?"

"We can talk now?"

"Well, I kinda hoped we could go out for dinner." Frey scratched the back of his head and kept an eye on the surrounding people, including Michelle and Lacy to make sure nobody overheard their conversation.

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