Chapter 37 - Parents [Frey Sanders]

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Saturday, midday

     Even after sleeping for over 12 hours, Frey still felt like a bit of a zombie. But everything felt a lot better as he woke up with Daniel's arms around him. He hadn't ever been in love with anyone, and he had never felt as good as he did now. Just the simplest of gestures were enough to send him straight to heaven.

Like Daniel kissing him on the lips, greeting him with a mumbled 'morning', or Daniel not letting him go when he wanted to get out of bed.

He was pulled back by the other boy, who cuddled closer to him, causing Frey to smirk.

"I really need to go to the bathroom, Danny."

"Are you coming back to bed right after?" Daniel sleepily asked, letting him go while yawning.

"We can't stay in bed all day."

"I was enjoying this. I want to enjoy it a little longer."

"Danny? I believe I told you I fell in love with you. So, I think it's safe to say we'll be able to do this a lot more."

"True." Daniel smirked, opening one eye to look at him while he got up from the bed. "I'm just really tired after this week."

"I'll be right back, okay?" Frey smiled, and watched Daniel curl up under the covers with his eyes closed again.

Frey hadn't realised his feelings for Daniel a long time ago, but it did feel absolutely right to be with him like this.

Whatever there was between them.

He bumped into his father when he wanted to walk into the bathroom, surprised that he was home.

Then again, he had no idea what time it was exactly.

"Morning, son." His father was smiling, and the smile was... different. As if he knew something that Frey didn't know himself yet.

"Morning, why're you so happy this morning? Afternoon? What time is it anyway."

"Little past twelve in the afternoon." His father stepped aside to let Frey into the bathroom. "And I guess I'll be making a brunch for three?"

Frey came to a halt as soon as his father had mentioned three. But than again, Frey shouldn't be surprised his dad knew Daniel had stayed over for the night; he had probably given him the key to enter the apartment after his shift.

"Did you send him over?"

"No, he suggested to check in on you himself. Did you tell him yet?"

"Dad..." Frey didn't really want to discuss the matter with his father. He had a feeling his dad might give him the sex-talk that he never got because he had always ran away whenever either of his parents had tried to tell him.

It was just awkward, especially when his mother had tried again while Frey wasn't a virgin any longer.

If she only knew how experienced he was. Frey thought she could be starting world war 3 right then and there if she would ever find out.

His father, on the other had, probably knew a lot more about Frey than he had told his father himself.

"Hey, I'm just showing interest." His father shrugged, winked, and walked off; leaving Frey behind a bit embarrassed.

Did his father think they had done anything? That would be even more embarrassing

Frey went to the bathroom, and then went after his father into the kitchen. "You do know I was in sort of a coma ever since nine last night, right?"

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