Chapter 41 - Together [Frey Sanders]

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Thursday, early evening

     It was clear as day that Mitchel never had helped Daniel with his poor financial status, or with his sick mother and a little sister that he had to take care of.

Not by buying them food, or helping out by babysitting Hannah, or any other simple things like cleaning up after his mother had thrown up.

It also very quickly became clear Daniel didn't expect Frey to do any of those things either. Daniel had given up on getting help from anyone besides his best friends, and his mother's two best friends.

He didn't expect Frey to do anything but complain, and to prevent Frey from complaining, Daniel kept apologizing for the simplest of things.

When Frey had suggested to come over for dinner and babysit Hannah and take care of his mother while Daniel had to work, Daniel had declined in an apologetic way; there was not enough food for Frey to come over for dinner.

He had already asked his mother's friend to come over, but he still had to ask Frey's father if he could leave work early because she couldn't stay until the end of his shift.

Daniel had again apologized, and already started to promise he would make up for the lost hours, when Frey's father had told him it was fine, he could go home early.

Frey has insisted on coming over for dinner anyway, suggesting to buy more food so that there would be enough for all of them.

It had taken half of the day to get Daniel to agree, and Frey felt as if Daniel had only agreed because he was getting tired of Frey's whining.

But he just wanted to spend more time with Daniel. Time alone, that was. Without any of there friends lingering around.

"Danny?" Frey sighed when they were cooking dinner, and Daniel had been silent for most of the time.


"Do you mind that I'm here?"

"I don't... but I just don't expect you to take care of my family." Daniel shrugged, aimlessly staring at the rice they were cooking.

"Do you feel as if I force myself in your life?" Frey bit his lip, Daniel was nowhere near excited that he was there.



"No but." Daniel sighed. "Sorry, I have a lot on my mind. I'm sorry if I'm silent and all. I like to have you with me. You should know, I am in love with you."

"Stop apologizing for everything, Danny." Frey chuckled, but it felt awkward and he had to force a chuckle. "I don't mind helping my boyfriend out, you know." He pulled Daniel closer by looping a finger behind Daniel's belt, sliding his arms around his waist as soon as Daniel was close enough. "On the contrary, I love spoiling you, because seeing you blush is adorable."

Daniel smiled, and it wasn't forced; it was a shy genuine smile. Along with a slight blush on his face.

"I like you, and I don't mind helping, wherever I can."

"Sorry... I'm not used to it."

"No more apologizing."

"Sor... okay."

Frey laughed because of Daniel's attempt to hide another 'sorry' with a couch, and Daniel laughed with him, putting his arms around Frey's neck.

"I'm sorry for saying sorry that much." Daniel smirked, and Frey responded with a roll of the eye, before he planted a kiss on Daniel's lips.

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