Chapter 2 - Unheard [Frey Sanders]

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Wednesday, late afternoon

     Frey couldn't say his past days had been good. They weren't bad either, but he found himself struggling to condemn his bad behaviour like he would do whenever he felt fine.

He caught himself coming up with excuses, and pretending as if he wasn't that bad of a guy most of the time. In reality, he knew he was treating people bad, but in his mind, he couldn't muster a lack of care to give.

He simply didn't give a fuck, while hating himself for not giving a fuck. It was a weird feeling to Frey, and he knew it was a sign his mind was deteriorating again. As always, after a period full of energy, doing fun things and lots of laughter with friends, he already knew it would end, and he would feel tired and depressed for a while.

Getting out of bed was becoming increasingly harder each day, and today he even overslept for his first hour. His mother scowled at him for it and told him to stop being so lazy and actually do something with his life.

He replied to her he wasn't feeling well, but she sent him of to school anyway.

Frey didn't feel like going, but he knew he would get in trouble if he skipped again, so he forced himself to listen and go; thinking Arun sure would've be able to calm him down a bit.

Which was a big fat mistake because Arun just told him to think about why he was feeling bad.

Frey felt like Arun tried to imply he was feeling guilty over Michelle—she was after all one of those typical American sweethearts that everybody seemed to love. But Frey never felt guilty.

He felt sorry for them, yes. Not because of what he did with them, but because they would stoop to a low level of admiring him even after he sent them home in the middle of the night, to not call or text afterwards.

His state only got worse when he fell asleep halfway through Biology, and he got detention because he kept dozing off after a last warning.

It messed up his mother's schedule, and the fact he was supposed to pick up Victor and Rudy on his way home.

Now she had to go pick them up and take them to the story to buy groceries, while Frey was rotting away in detention, feeling bored, tired and unfocused.

Frey didn't feel like seeing his mother right now, but he know he needed to talk to her, again.

He tried to talk to her about his mental state more often, but she kept replying by telling him not to whine or be ungrateful. He had nothing to complain about with his parents.

And he knew, besides his mother's controlling side, there really was little to complain about.

Then why did he feel like his life sucked from time to time?

Frey sighed tiredly, heading downstairs as soon as he heard the front door click shut. Halfway down the stairs, Victor and Rudy came running by all hyper and enthusiastic, and Frey noticed they both candy in their hands.

Great, Frey thought, feed hyperactive children even more sugar.

That will be interesting when dinner is served.

He shrugged it off, headed further down the steps and searched for his mother, finding her in the kitchen, where she was unpacking groceries.

"Mom?" He cocked his head a bit, slumping down on a barstool while waiting for her to acknowledge his presence.

She ignored him, and while she moved around the kitchen to put stuff in the right spots, Frey noticed her brows were furrowed, and she seemed a bit angry.

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