Chapter 4 - Scheduled [Frey Sanders]

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Saturday, midday

     Saturday's usually were the worst days in Frey's week, but this particular Saturday, everything was just that little bit extra bad. Not only had he somehow managed to piss of Daniel, Lacy, and their friend at the bar yesterday, he also got in a fight with his mother for staying with his father for two days, only to drop by after school with said father, to inform her that they had made an appointment with the doctor for next week.

The expected responses from her side came; she told both Frey and his father there was no need for a doctor, and Frey had powerlessly watched them argue over the fact. He all too well remembered the days they still were married because of their argument, that slowly turned into a fight.

His father left with the simple announcement he was picking Frey up from school on Tuesday, to visit the doctor. His mother couldn't stop them, hence the tears that came as soon as Frey's father had left.

She had repeatedly asked Frey if she didn't love him enough, why he went to his father, why he wouldn't just listen to her.

She knew what was best for him, or so she said.

Frey had eventually started ignoring it, but that only turned her sadness into anger, and Frey eventually locked himself in his room until it was time to go out, or so his mother thought; time to work.

Today was all shit, it all sucked, and Frey just wanted to stay in bed for the rest of his life. Sadly, his mother would never accept that.

She forced him out of his bed by ten thirty, which was somewhat of a record on Saturday anyway.

But, in his defence, she normally didn't have to use a bucket of water to get him out of his bed. Today was just extra shitty.

She made him clean his bedroom, the bathroom and the dishes of the breakfast he had missed, and then scowled at him for coming home in the middle of the night, drunk and almost crying, waking Victor and Rudy up.

He had been a mess, and she hadn't even cared to comfort him, or ask him what had happened.

Not that he would've told her that he was that affected by Daniel ignoring him for almost the entire night.

He did consider Daniel as a friend, even though he knew Daniel didn't approve of his ways with girls. They still talked a lot, at work and in school, and Daniel had lots of wise advises for Frey, that he pretended not to listen to, but secretly took by heart.

He just didn't want Daniel to know he listened to the boy, to prevent him from taking advantage of that fact.

And somehow, bitching about Daniel's shitty and somewhat mentally abusive ex-boyfriend, had pissed Daniel off to no end. But all Frey knew, was that Mitchel was an even bigger jerk than he himself was most of the time.

But the thing that had upset him the most, was the fact his mother just got angry, while Frey had been on the brink of tears right in front of her.

And when he started actually crying silent tears while she yelled at him for being a lousy son, she had only told him to stop acting like a victim, and start growing up.

As punishment for coming home drunk, she had told him she would bring him to work and pick him back up to make sure he would go home right after his shift had ended. She also took away his midday-scheduled fun time and replaced it with doing laundry.

Now that he was done with all chores he skipped in the past days, he was forced to sit in the kitchen and work on his homework.

But Frey couldn't focus, and he had been staring at his work for Biology for over half an hour now, without actually writing anything down.

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