Epilogue - Daniel Quinn

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Friday, late evening

     Obviously, Daniel wasn't planning on cutting Samuel some slack for his big mouth and empty promises when it came to beating Frey in a second attempt of a drinking game. Samuel was so oblivious to the fact Daniel would pick his boyfriends side, that he even declared Daniel the 'referee' to make sure Frey played fair.

He didn't, but Daniel wasn't going to force him to drink a dozen shots of Tequila.

Frey would be out before he would get halfway, since his medication would only make the alcohol hit twice as hard.

No, Daniel didn't like the idea of having to drag a drunk Frey home again. He had never liked it, and he would never start liking it either. No matter how charmingly sweet an intoxicated Frey could be.

He tended to get clingy when he did drink a few beers, and he slurred sweet things into Daniel's ear whenever he was in a state like that.

It happened three times in the past month.

But never had Frey drank enough to end up in such a drunk state he got annoying, or couldn't walk anymore.

And Daniel wasn't going to cause him to get to that state either, so he had poured Frey water, and Samuel Tequila. He had even switched the bottles without Samuel noticing it, poured them a shot, and declared they had to switch their drinks before Samuel could notice the water.

And he fell for it like the fool he was, and Frey's laugh after the game was priceless.

He had watched Samuel run towards the bathroom with a smirk, before he had stepped back behind the bar, pulled Daniel in his arms, and kissed him under the watchful eye of a couple of girls who apparently became their personal fan-club. It was awkward, and normally it caused Frey to get shy and embarrassed. But not that night.

That night, Daniel got a decent kiss in front of the whole club.

It was the first time that Frey did something like that in public, and it told Daniel he was starting to get used to being out as bisexual.

But that aside, Daniel also knew Frey was turning into his careless and fuck-all-and-everything mood and this was just proof of it.

He knew Frey was going to be a little more difficult to handle for a short while. But seeing the fact he had been sweet and romantic—more than he'd ever been—in the first month of their relationship, Daniel figured he could handle it.

He just had to return the romantic gestures, the sweet words and the love a little more.

It wasn't all taking, he had to be there for Frey too. And he was already proud of the fact Frey was still taking his medication, despite him declaring he was going to stop with the shitty stuff because he was done feeling sleepy and like a zombie.

Frey pushed through because he knew it would turn him into a better person. A better person to himself, but also to the people he loved and cared about.

Daniel was just feeling lucky he was one of those people.

"Yeah, Danny?" Frey addressed him with an amused tone. "A kiss is a two-person kinda thing. If one isn't working along, it's not working at all."

Daniel laughed, noticing he had someone zoned out during the kiss, and grabbed Frey by his wrist when he had stepped away from Daniel. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking about how proud I am of you."

"What do you mean?"

"You, as a person, coming to terms with your sexuality. The fact you still take your medication. The fact you just publicly kissed me."

"Well, it's not like Samuel didn't announce it around school that we're together." Frey chuckled. "I figured if people around us are kissing their lovers, than why not me?" He winked seductively. "We could always go to the back for a while."

"You horny bastard." Daniel chuckled, pecking a kiss on his lip. "I'm on a break in 15 minutes."

"Good. I'll see you there."

"Obviously." Daniel smirked, and let go of Frey, who walked away and towards their friends.

"Can I just say you two are adorable together?" Lacy's voice sounded close by, and he turned to face her, leaning on the bar on her night off. "Who would've figured Frey would be such a cute boyfriend to you?"

"Not me, that's for sure." Daniel shrugged, pouring Lacy her favourite wine.

"So, things are going swell?"

"So far, yes. But he's becoming depressed. I can tell. I'm nervous how it'll be with him when he's like that."

"Hmm." Lacy took a sip from her wine, seemingly overthinking something. "I bet you guys will be fine. You are the most considerate and sweet guy I've ever met. So, I bet there won't be a lot of things he can get depressed over. Besides, isn't he taking medication?"

"Yeah, but they're not fully working yet." Daniel smiled nonetheless. "I know we'll be fine. I just don't want this to go wrong because I actually like him even more than I liked Mitchel in the beginning."

"Really?" Lacy frowned surprised. "That is something, Danny."

"I know." He nodded, swallowing in the rest of his words. But what he'd actually wanted to say—even though it felt like it was too early—was that he wasn't just in love with him; he loved Frey.

Words: +/- 913

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