Chapter 23 Part 1 - Desperate [Frey Sanders]

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Saturday, midnight

     Frey had not drunk a single drop of alcohol during his shift, but right after it ended, he had downed about three beers to get rid of the thoughts that were clouding his mind and judgement.

Not that being drunk would grant him better judgement—being sober sure wasn't doing the trick when it came to Daniel freaking Quinn either.

There was a massive amount of tension between them—good tension—but tension nonetheless.

Every move, every touch, every look, every breath he took caused shivers down Frey's spine. It was both curiosity and lust, and Frey wasn't good at pushing those feelings aside.

Frey's judgement was poor in whichever state he was, and lusting after a guy surely wasn't helping him make better decisions.

He was curious about everything that came with falling for a boy, and that made him focus on Daniel all the more.

How did it work?

Well, not literally. Frey knew how two guys were supposed to have sex—he wasn't stupid. But he still wondered; how did it work?

And all the more he thought about it, all the more he wanted to experience it, with Daniel.

Would it be bad to give into his curiosity, lust and maybe even romantic feelings for the boy, by taking him home?

He was sure Daniel wouldn't refuse. The boy had been making small innuendos all week.

He even rubbed his hand against Frey on Monday, in the locker rooms. Frey knew, if they hadn't realised that they were in the school locker rooms, they would've probably gone a lot further.

The only reason he wasn't acting upon his wish now was because Jenna was there, and she wouldn't leave him and Daniel alone for too long.

It was getting annoying to Frey, mostly because he always got rid of clingy girls by telling them he wasn't into them. But he was into her, so that complicated things.

On one hand, he wanted to see her as much as possible, on the other, he hadn't spent a lot of time alone with Daniel so far, and if he was going to ever figure out his feelings for the boy, he needed to get to know him on a more personal level.

He was slightly drunk by the time Daniel had also finished his shift, and as always, Daniel announced that he was going to take a drunk Frey home and make sure he would reach his bed.

Frey didn't mind, he was too far gone to stay in the club and drink more. He was bound to do stupid things if he would stay. So, he allowed Daniel to drag him outside, who then forced him to walk to his father's apartment while laughing whenever Frey would trip.

Daniel was a bit surprised of Frey's ability to walk straight as soon as they left the club, shortly stopping in his tracks with a frown.

"You sure you need me to help you get home?" Daniel voiced his wondering, catching up with Frey while the latter had been moving forwards still.

"Yes." Frey nodded, bumping into Daniel teasingly. "Don't you want to?"

"I don't mind." Daniel shrugged and bumped back into him. "I only mind whenever you're acting like an asshole."

"I'm not acting like one now, right?" Frey asked, putting an arm around Daniel, ruffling up his hair. "Am I, Danny-boy?"

"You're annoying, that's what you are." But Daniel laughed, and he grabbed Frey to push him down, holding him in a headlock.

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