Chapter 25 - Diagnosed [Frey Sanders]

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Monday, morning

     Frey felt a bit numb while he silently stared out of the car window. His father was driving and had tried to talk to Frey a couple of times, but the boy hadn't replied. He was too consumed by his thoughts after they left the psychiatrist that morning.

He had spoken to a psychologist for over an hour, had to wait about 15 minutes before he was called back in, only to be told he showed very clear signs of a bipolar disorder.

In Frey's case, it was a type 2, rapid cycling, and he just zoned out of the conversation right after they told him that. His father had asked questions, and they had suggested medication, but Frey had asked if he could get some time to let it all sink in and get used to the idea.

He was told to call if he was ready, and in the mean time they would sign him up for therapy since that could take a few weeks before there was an opening in the very busy department that handled disorders like his.

Frey had agreed, not really listening anyway.

He had always suspected something was off, he just hoped he was wrong, and his mother was indeed right.

That it was puberty and it would pass eventually.

It wasn't going to pass; Frey understood that much.

But medication would be ably to stabilize his mental health once he would start taking those. It would only cost a couple of months before those meds would reach the acquired level of support.

Just a few more months, Frey thought to himself. A few more months of feeling depressed or overly hyperactive.

Only a few more months and he would be able to feel normal again.

They were on their way to his mother's home, to inform her of the diagnose, and hopefully get her to realise Frey's behaviour could partially be explained by the disorder.

Not all of his behaviour could be sugar-coated by it, but still some of it was explainable now—like his need to sleep a lot in some periods in his life.

Frey was nervous about the talk with his mother, since she hadn't been too pleased over the phone when his father had told her Frey had gotten a diagnose.

She was probably still going to deny the fact something about Frey was different, and Frey knew he would get angry at her once she did.

"Frey?" His father woke him up from his train of thoughts by touching his shoulder.


"Are you okay?"

"No, but can we not talk about it right now?" He turned to face his father, noticing they stopped in the driveway of the house he fled not too long ago. "I just want to inform mom, and then leave and let it all sink in." Frey muttered, not feeling the need to talk about it right now. "In silence." He added eventually, because he knew both his father and mother didn't like him silently ignoring things as if they didn't exist.

Frey knew no matter what he did, it wouldn't just go away. Even ignoring it wouldn't solve the problem. He knew he needed help, he just didn't want to talk about it before he really understood everything himself.

His dad nodded as an answer, before they both got out of the car.

Frey's mother had already opened the front door to let them in, but she hadn't waited to greet them like she would usually do. She had left the door ajar and went back inside.

Frey rolled his eyes at her ability to once again make things about her. She was visibly trying to get them to talk about whyshe was upset.

He wasn't going to fall for that, and he wasn't going to let his father start about it either.

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