Chapter 32 - Uninterested [Frey Sanders]

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Tuesday, late afternoon

     Even on Tuesday, Daniel didn't really seem all too eager to date Frey. He had sent him a couple of texts to try and set a date for their actual date, but Daniel kept replying in such a way that Frey had the idea he didn't even want an actual date; even though Daniel had agreed the day before.

Frey's mood was getting worse by the minute, and it was an annoying combination with all the energy he had. A part of him wanted to go and do things, be active, make fun with his friends.

But a bigger part of him felt too rejected by Daniel—he couldn't care about anything that else that day.

He went home right after school, and had taken a seat on the couch, wearing an oversized hoodie to hide in, staring at the TV.

He wasn't really watching TV—he had no idea what was on.

He was too busy staring at his phone, awaiting a reply from Daniel.

He badly wanted a date that week. He would be starting medication on Friday, which meant he wouldn't be the best company for a while. And he didn't want to ruin their date by falling asleep due to the medication or feeling sick because of it.

In the meantime, his dad was bustling around the apartment, packing stuff that they wouldn't miss if it would be in the new apartment long before they would actually move.

Books, movies, some of his clothes, little useless decorations. Anything that would only be in the way once they would start moving furniture.

But Frey didn't feel like helping him, or packing some of his own stuff. Not that he had much of his stuff here anyway. Most of it was still in his mother's house and he still hadn't felt bothered enough to go and pick up more.

If any, he suspected he would be locked in by his mother if he would ever dare to come over to tell her he was going to move more of his stuff to his dad's apartment.

So he remained seated, emerged in thoughts about Daniel, unaware of the fact he was sighing tiredly and annoyed every so often—more so, every time he checked his phone and he noticed Daniel hadn't replied to him.

He didn't want to push him or act needy. He knew how annoying it could be if someone acted needy or clingy.

He knew it would make him even less attracted to Daniel.

Maybe playing hard to get would help, but he didn't want to play games. He just wanted to date Daniel and see what was between them.

He silently cursed Mitchel for stepping back into Daniel's life before Frey had a chance to show Daniel how much he really liked him, but jumped in his spot a bit as soon as his dad sat down next to him.

"What's going on?" he asked, as he handed Frey a hot steaming cup of coffee.

"Who says something is going on?"

"The sighing, the whispered cursing..." His dad smirked while he made himself comfortable on the couch too. "Besides, you say you're getting hyperactive and have racing thoughts and everything that appears to be a hypomanic episode. But I'm not getting that vibe right now."

Frey shrugged, not having an answer. He didn't need sleep, he could probably run a marathon and still have energy to spare. His mindset simply wasn't matching with that level of energy. Once again, body and mind were in conflict, and Frey was getting more annoyed with it every time it happened.

He really needed to start taking medication to stabilise everything.

"Come on, you know I won't judge you."

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