Chapter 35 - Admit [Frey Sanders]

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Friday, late evening

     After abruptly being sent home by Jenna yesterday, Frey didn't know how to deal with her. She was being two different people in the same time.

After she had shouted for him to leave her alone, he had gone home and while riding his bike, made peace with the fact he had indefinitely decided that he was going to focus on Daniel.

He had admitted aloud he was in love with him more than once by now, and never did those words fail to make him feel warm and giddy; it felt right to say he did.

And then Jenna—late in the evening—had started texting him with apologies for her behaviour, and how she was just really upset because she didn't want to lose him.

Frey hadn't felt like replying after her outburst. Not after she claimed he had been playing with her, while in reality he had done more to give her what she wanted, than focusing on the thing he wanted—let alone Daniel.

He had told her she deserved someone who loved her truly, and that he wasn't it. She had no right to be angry at him for not liking her enough.

He couldn't help it; he wanted Daniel.

But even that wasn't his main priority right now; sleeping—however—was.

He had started with his medication, and even though it was only a low dose of medication, he had almost instantly fell asleep after taking one.

Within an hour—a nine o'clock in the evening—he had given up on fighting the sleep and gone to bed.

He eventually had turned his phone off because of the constant stream of texts from Jenna, who now even started calling him every so often to ask if he was going out and if they could talk.

He simply turned around, pulled the cover over his head and continued sleeping.

It wasn't like he felt like he owed her anything after she shouted at him while he was doing the right thing. If he would've continued things, she would probably claim he used her later; when he would tell her how he felt about Daniel.

At least this way she kept her innocence, she wouldn't feel used, and he didn't feel like a jerk. To him, he had done the right thing and he felt proud he had handled things the way he did.

And at least she wasn't angry any longer. Upset? Yes. Jealous? Possibly. But it wasn't his problem, and he wasn't responsible for her happiness either.

He just wished he wouldn't keep dreaming about a crying Jenna, begging him not to leave her alone, and Robby pulling her away from him while he stoically watched him do so.

He kept waking up with a raised heartbeat, all sweaty, and even a bit nauseous. He needed to go to the bathroom badly. But when he got out of bed to head to the bathroom, his legs were jelly, his head was fuzzy, and he simply crashed to the ground due to a lack of coordination and stability.

"God damn it." He muttered, rolling over until he was on his back, waiting for the light fuzzy feeling in his head to disappear.

His eyes stung; he was that sleepy. He could barely keep them open and he had to keep himself from giving into the need to just close them and fall asleep.

After all, he was still on the floor instead of in bed.

Frey fell asleep anyway, on the floor instead of in bed, without going to the bathroom while that had been the plan in the first place.

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