Chapter 8 - Awkward flirt [Frey]

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Friday, morning

     Arun was constantly staring at Frey, from the moment Frey had picked him up at home that morning. They went to school together, in silence, and both feeling awkward. But Frey lacked energy to talk after working late last night after his father called him to ask him to take over a shift for Lacy, who had a situation at home.

Frey went, but regretted it as soon as he found out he would be working with Daniel the entire night. It had been extremely awkward and after an hour of bickering over everything, and constantly bumping into each other because both wouldn't let the other go first, Frey had switched his spot with another co-worker behind another bar, to get the hell away from Daniel.

He was bound to hit the guy any day soon, and he knew it was his bad mood that caused most of the anger he currently felt bubbling inside him.

He didn't want to hit anyone, and more specifically, he didn't want to hit Daniel. He cared for him more than he was willing to admit, but Daniel's current behaviour was making his blood boil.

And along with his mood, that wasn't a successful combination.

How did they even go from talking, and making fun of each other, to staring daggers at each other, in the course of a week?

At least it meant Lacy was ignoring him too, and that automatically meant he wasn't getting any harsh words from her because of Michelle either.

By the time their break after third class came around, Frey was walking towards the lunch room with Arun—again in silence—when he spotted Daniel, Lacy and Michelle walking slightly ahead of them.

Lacy and Daniel seemed to have a casual conversation, while Michelle was shuffling along with them.

He did feel bad that the girl that always kept smiling at everyone, was now insecure as ever, constantly staring towards the floor to prevent eye-contact with others.

There were girls that gave her shit for sleeping with Frey, but nobody owned him, so he didn't understand why anyone would even give her shit for that in the first place.

While Frey was observing them as they entered the lunch room ahead of them, it dawned to him that Daniel and Lacy always talked to a girl at the bar, just like the night him and Daniel started fighting because he had called Mitchel a fag.

And he was pretty sure they had called her Jenna before. So would the three girls, bothering his sister in ballet, happen to be Lacy and her friends?

He didn't know Jenna all that well, he just knew her by face, and he didn't really like her all that much. She was like a perfect girl to everyone, with brains, looks and multiple talents. Yes, he knew the stories. She was great at dancing, just not as good as Julia.

But whereas Julia never judged others before getting to know them, Frey had noticed Jenna had a habit of jumping to conclusions way too soon.

But before Frey could decide to confront Lacy right there and then, they turned around to find out where the loud voices came from, and Frey turned in the same moment, for the same reason.

Samuel had a guy shoved against the wall, and Frey recognized Adam as his victim.

Samuel always aimed for the weaker kids in school, and Adam was definitely one of his favourite victims.

Adam was an openly gay kid, with braces, glasses, and a motormouth he couldn't stop from running even if he was offered a million bucks. Adam always had to correct everyone's mistakes.

He wasn't too tall either, and he had a scrawny build that made him even less of a threat to guys like Samuel than a kitten.

"Can you stop pretending like you know everything better?" Samuel snapped, pushing his arm harder against Adam's chest, threatening with a fist in the air.

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