Chapter 17 - Tension [Frey Sanders]

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Saturday, evening

After baking cupcakes, agreeing on a date and watching a movie together, Frey and Jenna had said their goodbye's-with a kiss-and agreed to meet after Frey's shift in the club had ended.

But Frey hadn't thought about Daniel, and the fact he too was thinking about their kiss and the meaning behind it.

Or the fact they had a five-hour shift behind the same bar together, and they would constantly be in the same couple of square meters.

And after five minutes, tension was already rising, and Frey didn't know how to handle things. Mostly since Jenna stayed close and kept sending him smiles.

He wanted to make her smile, laugh-hear that laugh.

But in the same time, Daniel was constantly sending him small smiles too, and they kept bumping into each other, touching each other in little meaningless ways, that still had their effects on Frey.

He couldn't stand being apart from Daniel for too long but being close to him was unbearable in the same time.

He had asked Jenna on a date, while he knew he wanted to explore his feelings for Daniel too.

What had he gotten himself into?

It was a mess, and someone was bound to get hurt if he wouldn't stop either of it.

He either had to let Daniel off easily, or he had to cancel his date with Jenna. But he didn't want to ditch Jenna, nor did he want to turn down Daniel.

For once, he wanted to be a decent person, dating, not using others for his own pleasure, and faith just had to mess with him and throw two people at him at once.

And to top it all, Frey had to stay sober during his shift, and it was plain simple a hell.

Daniel probably wasn't even aware if the fact he was driving Frey crazy. With all his little jokes, his smile. That damned smile of his.

That made his eyes sparkle even more than they already did.

Frey had forced himself to keep talking to Jenna, to keep looking at her.

But Daniel and him were doing their weekly dance, where they didn't really have time to talk to people, rushing to get everyone their orders as soon as possible, while Lacy was taking care of most of the cocktails that got ordered.

But Frey noticed little things, like how Daniel and he kept brushing their hands against the other's when grabbing things, or how they handed each other things and every god damn time their fingers would touch.

Or how-it only happened once but Frey got hot and bothered because of it-Frey had been in front of the register, and Daniel stood behind him to reach for a bottle of liquor that was on a shelve above Frey, and Frey wanted to freeze time and stay there, with Daniel so close he could smell his scent-a musky, yet fruity scent-while Frey's back was against his chest.

He was at a loss about his own feelings, and it frustrated him to no end. So, his mind wasn't able to make up its own damn mind and decide whether he was depressed or hyperactive, and his heart was now thorn between a boy and a girl? Could anything in his body stop acting two-sided?

He needed a break, and so he told someone to take over his spot, and left the club to sit in the back, with a cold coke and a wet towel pressed against his face to cool down a bit.

He needed the world to stop. But not because he wanted to get off, but because he wanted a pause to overthink everything, before he could continue.

He knew it was progress, he was crawling out of his depressed faze again.

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