Chapter 21 - Birthday Guest [Daniel Quinn]

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Thursday, midday

     "You are not buying that." Daniel grumbled with his arms crossed, staring at Frey with a bit of annoyance and way too much tingly feelings. Frey looked way too cute when he was confused as to why he couldn't buy Hannah a birthday gift.

The night before, Frey had invited Daniel and Hannah over to his father's apartment—Daniel understood enough to know Frey moved in with his father—and let Hannah do most of the baking, while he just made sure she wouldn't go and add too much sugar and give her classmates a sugar rush. He measured, she added and mixed, while Daniel was merely there because he would never let Hannah go over to Frey on her own.

Not that he didn't trust Frey, he just didn't see the use of bringing her over, and picking her back up afterwards, if staying would mean he would get to see Frey some more. And really, anyone who hated Frey, should take the time to witness how great he is with kids, and how funny and kind he can be.

Hannah was ecstatic about the cupcakes that she couldn't wait to show them at school the very next day.

And now Frey was planning on buying her a gift for today, and the whole idea of him buying her a gift wasn't that big of a deal.

It was the fact he obviously remembered which gift she wanted so badly, and he was currently holding it up, asking Daniel's approval to buy it.

A way too expensive gift Daniel had tried to save up for to buy, but didn't succeed in.

"Why not? I mean, you can give it to her. I would never want to overshadow you." Frey didn't seem to understand Daniel would still feel embarrassed for having him buying the present Daniel would eventually give Hannah.

"It's not about her knowing who bought it..."

"It's because you know you didn't, right?" Frey smirked, and Daniel cocked an eyebrow because Frey again proved to be way smarter than Daniel initially had thought. He was good at reading in between the lines—listen to words left unspoken.


"Okay, two arguments, and then we're going to pay for this." Frey walked up to him and stopped a little too close for comfort.

He wanted to kiss him again, so badly.

"One. Do you rather want to know I payed for it, but have a happy Hannah, than knowing you told me not to pay for it and have a sad Hannah because she didn't get the doll?"

Daniel sighed while biting his lip. He was savouring Frey's behaviour towards him like a lovesick puppy. He noticed all the little things that Frey did, like smile at him every time he caught Daniel staring at him.

"Two, if we're dating, you have got to start accepting me spoiling you a bit."

Daniel's breathing hitched at his words, pronounced with casualty—as if it wasn't a big deal they were apparently dating.

"Think of Hannah's response. She won't know any better than you being the best big brother anyone could wish for."

"Only I'm not, because I don't have the money to actually be that great big brother." Daniel rolled his eyes, but Frey wouldn't have it.

"Danny, you are a great big brother to her. You're working two jobs, paying bills, taking care of her whenever your mother can't..." Frey cleared his throat awkwardly. By know, Daniel had explained their situation to Frey, so he would understand why their mother was in bed on Hannah's birthday. "You're doing everything to make sure she doesn't have to worry about anything."

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