Chapter 13 - Date-night [Frey Sanders]

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Wednesday, evening

     After school, and a decent conversation with Arun, Frey had told his father he was going over to Arun to study, and sleep there. His father—unaware of the fact he was lying—had agreed to it, glad Frey was getting out of the apartment again. Glad he was going out for something else than school.

He agreed to text his father in the morning to tell him he was heading to school so his father would be sure he went.

It wasn't to try and control Frey, but more to prevent him from making an even bigger mess of his life.

Frey had showered, and put on some decent, clean clothes, styled his hair and made sure he looked as handsome as possible.

He didn't feel attractive, but he knew that it was his depressed mind that made him insecure. He knew he was attractive, he just didn't feel it.

But he was feeling better today, and he had Arun and Vicky to thank for it. And maybe the fact he hadn't felt controlled by his mother in three days, now free to decide when to do his homework, when to do nothing important in particular, and when to go out.

In this case to meet an attractive looking girl that had flirted with him for three days straight. He couldn't deny he felt as if they had a click, but that was still not what he was looking for on Sparkl.

He grabbed his bike, leaving home in time since he didn't want his father to notice he wasn't taking his school bag with him, and because he didn't want to have to hurry and become all sweaty because of it.

So, he arrived in the bar about five minutes early, checking to see if Vicky was already there.

She wasn't, and he took a seat in a booth in the back of the bar, like she had suggested. It would give them a bit more privacy while getting to know each other.

He actually started feeling nervous, and he didn't exactly know why he was. He never got nervous on dates. He wouldn't exactly call it a date, more than he would call it picking up a stranger in a bar.

It was kind of the same to him.

He ordered a beer for the wait and played a game on his phone in the mean time.

He observed the surrounding people, finding most of them to be older people just hanging out after work, sitting at tables, standing spread around the room, laughing, talking, a little too loudly to Frey.

He didn't like overly crowded places when he was having a shitty mood. He hated the noise, he hated the fact people could see him.

Especially since he was still seated on his own 10 minutes after he arrived.

It wasn't like he expected her to be there exactly in time—she wouldn't be the first to arrive a bit late—but he did feel uncomfortable. As if everyone inside the bar was judging him for being on his own, sipping from a beer in silence.

He even contemplated on leaving when he started to feel a bit restless. Why did he accept meeting her here? Why didn't he suggest meeting at the club, where Frey knew he could always go on and drink—for free—or hide in the back until she finally arrived.

He had accepted it even though he normally liked to set the time and place, and due to his shitty mood, this wasn't a success at all.

On the contrary, Frey felt a bit panicky when, at a quarter past ten, the door opened, and a loud group of men came in, laughing and cheering over something. They looked like they just came from some sorts of game and their team had won.

Still, Vicky wasn't there, and since he was growing more anxious of his surroundings, he decided to check in with her, opening Sparkl to send her a message.

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