Chapter 30 - History [Jenna Lark]

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Saturday, midday

     After having a conversation with Frey, Jenna didn't feel calm at all. Yes, he had danced with her most of the night, and they had shared kisses throughout the night. But they weren't the same kind of kiss Frey and Daniel had shared.

They were just simple, sweet kisses.

Jenna had begun to wonder if Frey liked Daniel more, mostly because he wasn't saying anything about the fact they slept together. Frey just ignored her when she brought it up.

He still didn't want to meet up this weekend. Not that Jenna had nothing to do, but she wouldn't mind cancelling her regular plans to hang out with Frey. But since he was busy with whatever, she went over to Lacy's place to hang out. Michelle had told Jenna and Lacy she wouldn't be there, even though she wouldn't tell why she was cancelling on them while they always hung out on Saturday. Daniel had cancelled too, since he was busy taking care of his mother and they were used to the fact he every so often simply had no time to hang out and do nothing.

Lacy was in a similar situation—even though money wasn't as tight—as Daniel. Which was why they had agreed to meet at her place instead of Jenna's.

"Jenna, stop brooding, please. It's boring." Lacy complained. She was on her bed, her feet in the air, resting against the wall. As always when Lacy wasn't planning on leaving the house, she was wearing sweatpants that belonged to her boyfriend Tobias, and a hoodie that was a little oversized.

Tobias, the perfect boyfriend that Lacy had been dating for nearly two years already. Jenna remembered all too well how Lacy had kept it hidden from her because Jenna had just gotten out of a relationship with Robby.

Jenna wished she would've been more supportive to Lacy back then, but she had been a bit of a mess.

She was still unsure on how to act or behave after Robby was suddenly removed from her life by Samuel and her father. She had been used to listen to Robby, do whatever he told her to do.

She still shivered when she thought about the consequences that came with not listening to Robby. The many times he had hurt her physically because she didn't want to do something.

The only thing he never actually forced her to, was sex; even though he had tried several times.

He wasn't a rapist, but that was pretty much the only good thing she could say about Robby.

And now she was using her past with him, the fact he stalked her for months after Samuel and her father broke off their relationship, to get Frey's attention. She felt shitty for it, but she couldn't help herself.

She felt save whenever she was with Frey, even though she knew Robby could easily beat him up.

"Jenna, please. I will hit you if you won't stop biting your lip and silently worry over something. What's going on in that head of yours?" Lacy actually grabbed hold of her shoulders, and that's when Jenna noticed she had been staring at a wall and Lacy actually moved and got off the bed.

She shrugged, causing Lacy to sigh.

"Tell me, babe. You always used to share everything with me, but..." Lacy groaned. "Ever since Frey stole your heart, you stopped talking."

"I didn't stop talking. I told you plenty in the mean time."

"Still, something is upsetting you. What is it?"

"The whole thing with Frey..." Jenna mumbled while she walked to the bed, only to bury her face in the pile of pillows.

"What about him? I thought he was being a decent guy that actually put in effort to date you. Did he do something? Should I hurt him?"

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