Chapter 10 - Spark [Frey Sanders]

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Sunday, Midday

     Church was a weekly reoccurring scheduled 'family' activity to the Sanders' family. This specific 'family' scheduled activity meant that Victor and Rudy would repeatedly complain about not being able to read or do homework, or work on any of their projects, while Julia was fuzzing over what to wear without looking too dull but acceptable to their mother, and Frey was fighting his sleep.

Than there was the fight over who was going to sit shotgun—whereas compared to normal people, neither of them wanted to sit in the front.

That would mean their mother would fire question after question about their week.

They usually solved that issue by playing 'rock-paper-scissors' and Frey never lost, simply because he refused to play and simply took place in the back seat while Victor and Rudy demanded for him to play. That would end in a fight, an angry mother and an awkward mass in church.

It was always a blast.

But that Sunday had been even worse, since Rudy and Victor were still at their father's place for a long weekend—with their remote-controlled cars—and their mother was still angry because Frey and Julia didn't buy the presents which she told them to get.

There was of course the issue that neither Frey nor Julia was interested on sitting in the front seat, next to their still angry mother, and when they both sat in the back, their mother demanded for one of them to sit in the front because she wasn't a taxi-driver.

Frey lost, and he plugged in earbuds to listen to music, because he really didn't feel like talking to his mother right then.

He was already angry and upset enough without her being a nuisance.

Luckily, on the way back, Arun was in the car with them, Julia was forced in the front seat, while Frey and Arun sat in the back in silence.

As soon as they got home, their mother had told both her at-home children to do homework, and since Arun was the decent guy he was, he came prepared and joined for a round of studying in the kitchen, under the watchful eye of a still angry mother.

Arun, by now, was used to Frey's schedule, and he never said anything about it. He just joined or helped Frey whenever he could.

They were working in silence, every so often helping each other out by explaining things, when Frey's phone started buzzing in his pocket.

He retrieved the device to see what made it go off, finding a notification from Sparkl.

He hadn't been on it for a while—like always when he had a bad month. He turned off most of the notifications anyway, but not those who told him he had received a 'Sparkling Like'. Which meant someone was very interested in him, and that still piqued his interest.

He unlocked the device and opened the app, wondering which girl had suddenly developed an interest in him. He was almost sure he had at least chatted with every girl in South Cedar.

But to find out who had sent him the Sparkling Like, he needed to swipe the same girl right too. So, he simply swiped all of them to the right, until the app notified him, he had a Sparkling Match with a girl named Vicky O'Malley.

He deleted the other girls first, before he sent Vicky a message to start up a conversation.

"Frey Sanders!" His mother's annoyingly high-pitched tone screeched through the kitchen and Frey barely had time to lock his screen, before she snatched the device from his hold. "You are supposed to be studying, not playing around on your phone."

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