Chapter 26 - 'Double' date [Frey Sanders]

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Tuesday, evening

     Despite the whole ordeal on Monday with Jenna's ex, Frey refrained from staying home out of fear for walking into the guy again. After Jenna had explained who the guy was—he was called Robby—and what had happened with them, Frey had called her father because he felt as if Jenna was too shaken to go home by bike herself. She couldn't stop crying once she was halfway through her story and Frey didn't want to leave her on her own.

Ever since she told him her ex still stalked her, he got worried, and he hated not knowing where she was or what she was doing.

What if Robby would try to hurt her again and he wasn't there to protect her? What if she was all by herself and there was nobody to help her?

What was Robby capable of?

Frey had tried to ask Daniel about Robby, since he was best friends with Jenna, but Daniel wouldn't talk about it. He had bitterly told Frey to ask Jenna herself.

Even though he wanted to know why Daniel would walk away whenever Frey brought up Robby, he had pushed the thoughts aside. He had other things to worry about; like asking Daniel to keep him company that very same evening, while Arun would have his date with his Sparkl match Nina.

Daniel had agreed but told him he had to work until eight thirty that night, and couldn't leave work early.

It didn't really matter, since Arun and Nina would meet at nine.

Frey had also pulled Arun apart during lunch, since he still had to explain why he was taking Daniel, and not Jenna.

Arun had thought it was a joke at first, but when Frey remained serious, he had stopped laughing, and told him he didn't care whether Frey wanted to date a boy or a girl. He had also wondered aloud why Frey was dating two people at once, and out of all boys, he was dating Daniel.

But Arun was still the tolerant, accepting friend and he listened to Frey's explanation without judging him for it.

Arun was just proud that Frey was taking things a little more serious than he did before, even if he was dating Jenna and Daniel in the same time.

It still was better than Frey sleeping with another random girl every week.

Which was how Frey found himself in a pool centre—suggested by Nina—with Daniel by his side, on a Tuesday evening.

Arun and Nina both seemed to feel awkward and uncomfortable, while Frey was keeping an eye on them from the other side of the room. Nina had no idea they knew Arun, and that they were there in case she bailed, since they had entered before Arun and Nina did.

"If you keep watching them like you do, I'm sure she will catch on to the fact you know Arun." Daniel nudged him, and then pointed towards their own pool table, silently hinting that it was Frey's turn.

"I know, I'm just... worried." Frey mumbled, using his cue to hit the white ball, trying to pocket another. He failed—Frey wasn't that good at pool.

Luckily, Daniel wasn't either.


"They're still seated at the bar, Danny." Frey stood up straight, and quickly shot a look towards Arun.

Both him and Nina were sipping from their drinks, Arun every so often saying something. Nina replied mostly with shrugs, nods or a shake of the head. Frey wondered if she had even spoken a word after entering the pool centre.

"Yeah..." Daniel looked in their direction with a frown. "I don't think they're really hitting it off."

"Which is stupid because he's been talking to her for a while via Sparkl and they had endless conversations." Frey grumbled, watching Daniel aim the white ball to try and pocket the yellow one. "If she dislikes him, she dislikes him purely based on looks. They had enough in common, otherwise Arun wouldn't even agree on a date. He takes it too seriously to meet a girl he shares no interests with. He's one of those guys who thinks looks aren't important."

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