Chapter 29 - Love square? [Frey Sanders]

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Friday, late evening

     After worrying over Daniel's silence for the entirety of Wednesday night, he had found out the boy had asked for a couple days off from work to take care of his mother. His father had told him, but only because he needed Frey to take over Daniel's shift on Friday, lacking other employees that had been willing wo work an extra shift.

Since Frey knew what was going on in Daniel's life, he had agreed to help the boy by taking over his shift, and he had decided he'd stop by on Saturday to see if he could be of more help during the day too.

The least he could do is make sure Daniel and Hannah would have decent meals to eat, and nothing else to worry about besides taking care of their mother.

On the other hand, taking over Daniel's shift had meant he had to cancel his plans to take Jenna out for a drink, and that did not go without an annoyed reaction from Jenna's side.

She had asked him why he all of the sudden was willing to work on Friday's, while he had always refused to do so in the past.

He still needed to talk to her about the fact she was demanding most of his time and attention, but he still hadn't found the right moment to do so. After ballet had ended on Wednesday, Julia had attacked him in a hug and he had agreed to drop her off at home too, so they would be able to catch up on the way there.

Of course, his mother had noticed him dropping Julia off, and she had tried to get him to stay—move back in with them. He wasn't ready, specifically not because she had still refused to accept the fact he had a bipolar disorder, even after being diagnosed by an actual psychiatrist.

And then the new flow of texts and calls from her had started again, and Frey had eventually told her to leave him alone for the time being, because it wasn't helping her case to get him to come home again. On the contrary, it was only driving Frey further away. He really didn't need her controlling his life again. He really couldn't deal with her schedules and rules right now. He needed the time off he had right now, to spend time with both Jenna and Daniel.

Lacy was warming up to the idea if him not being a complete jerk, and they had worked a shift without any bickering or fighting—or dirty looks on her behalf.

They had actually worked together fine, and Lacy had even covered for his tasks so that he could spend some of his time during his shift to talk with Jenna.

But their conversations were still a bit rusty, and Frey had almost asked her if she knew what had happened between him and Daniel multiple times.

He hadn't, but it was hard since Jenna was visibly, but silently, fuzzing over something the whole evening.

Even now that Frey's shift had ended, she wasn't her outgoing and cheerful self that she was when they first started hanging out.

There was no joking, no teasing, not even much flirting.

He had eventually had it with her silent-treatment, even if he figured she wasn't doing it on purpose and had pulled her to a quieter area to talk.

"What's going on?" He asked with a bit of annoyance, as soon as they had reached the hallway where teenagers were bustling around, either entering the club, leaving it, trying to find their coats or just cooling down after dancing.

"Nothing is going on that you don't know about." Jenna simply replied, shrugging a shoulder. She was biting the straw of her drink, not looking him in the eye.

"Yeah, I don't buy it. Something is bothering you."

She bit her lip and shrugged again, shuffling her foot around on the sticky floor. "Robby's still bothering me."

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