Chapter 16 - Having fun [Frey Sanders]

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Saturday, midday

     All of Friday, Frey had been thinking about his kiss with Daniel. They both had been a bit tipsy, but Frey himself was far from drunk and he remembered everything about it.

Daniel's soft lips, his tongue grazing his, their breaths mixing.

As soon as his lips had touched Daniel's, he had gotten too nervous to do much, so he was glad Daniel had answered the kiss, and sort of taken over control.

The first kiss didn't even last that long until Daniel pulled back and asked him what they were doing. Frey had no real answer to that, so he just shrugged and smirked, telling Daniel they were just having fun.

But it was more than fun to him; he liked kissing Daniel more than he had previously liked kissing anyone.

And apparently, Daniel felt the same, because after a short silence, they both had leaned in to kiss some more, and eventually they ended up on the couch, Daniel on top of him, making out.

Frey got turned on by Daniel, and that made him reconsider his sexuality. He never had been interested or attracted to a guy before, but with Daniel things were different.

Kissing Daniel had made him feel like flying. He was still soaring now, two days later, and he wasn't all that confused about it.

Though, when he really started thinking about it, he did become a little confused. Was he bisexual? Or was Daniel just an exception to his straightness? And did it really matter? It wasn't like he wanted a relationship, and Daniel was the type of guy that wasn't into a friends-with-benefits situation, or anything of that sort.

Besides, he liked Jenna too. He just didn't know to what extend he liked her.

None of it really mattered right then, because the first thing he wanted, was to stop thinking about the kiss in the first place.

He didn't want to remember how Daniel had pushed him down on the couch, or how his hands had slipped under Frey's shirt to touch bare skin. He didn't want to think about Daniel's lips trailing kisses down the side of his neck, or the fact he wanted to take Daniel home with him to continue what they started.

He needed to stop thinking about it, since there wasn't any future behind it anyway.

And since Jenna just entered the apartment, holding a bag full of groceries, Frey really needed to push the thoughts aside and focus on her.

She had helped him on Wednesday, and somehow, they became close friends in a matter of days. It's not like Frey shared everything with her—that would be too fast. But he did enjoy her company and they had been talking nonstop without him getting bored.

Or even think about seducing her.

Not that he didn't want to, it just wasn't his focus whenever he talked to her.

And somewhere yesterday, while they had been sending texts, they found out they shared an interest in baking, and agreed to bake cupcakes that Saturday.

Frey hadn't baked in a while, since he didn't want his mother to find out he indeed enjoyed doing it and have her make an obsession out of it.

But his mother wasn't here, and his father didn't mind Frey having friends over to bake cupcakes. He just requested them to be red velvet, because he craved red velvet.

So, they were about to bake red velvet cupcakes, in the time Frey would normally be obligated to do homework.

His mother's schedule was still stuck in the back of his mind, and he initially had replied to Jenna's suggestion with the fact he wasn't supposed to have fun until around four in the afternoon.

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