Chapter 22 - Insecurity [Frey Sanders]

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Friday, midday

     After school, Frey had done grocery shopping, taking all the necessary ingredients to bake a cake with Jenna, right before he went over to her house as they had agreed on.

He wasn't feeling entirely comfortable with the idea he was going to enter the house where Samuel lived. He still couldn't stand the guy, but Jenna had insisted on him coming over to her place.

Her parents wouldn't be home until late, and she swore Samuel would hang out with Jordy until they would go out that night.

So, Frey had agreed and stepped into the enemy's house with ingredients—yet again—to bake a barbie cake.

He really needed to talk to Hannah about her obsession with pink, and dolls, and barbies. Couldn't she be a little more like Julia had been when she had her age? Julia had no trouble playing with Frey's Action Man or G.I. Joe's. In fact, it was one of the reasons their mother had told Julia to join a dancing class; she needed to do more girly things.

Julia had protested at first, but she absolutely loved everything about dancing, so she had accepted dancing as a hobby, and had pushed aside the toys they shared.

Hannah wasn't dancing, and she could at least become less obsessed with pink. Frey should really try to talk some sense into her tomorrow at the party.

"What's on your mind today?" Jenna nudged him as they were both preparing the kitchen to become a mess. She was handling the eggs—separating the egg whites—while he was weighing the flour, sugar, and other ingredients in the mean time.

"Hannah's obsession with pink."

"Where's the fondant anyway?" Jenna asked while looking around curiously.

"Oh, no." Frey shook his head. "No fondant, Jenna."

"Then what are we using to decorate? What cake are we even going to make?"

"Pink velvet, with whipped vanilla buttercream as a topping." Frey shrugged. "It's pink on the inside, and we'll decorate the outside with more pink. Hannah's going to love it because she loves vanilla."

"Jeez, should I feel threatened? Is she new competition?" She joked, but Frey saw that she wasn't exactly happy there was competition to begin with. But it had been Jenna and Daniel themselves who agreed he could date both of them to figure out his feelings. He was even neglecting his own friends to see both of them as much as possible.

Jenna had nothing to worry about, as he had not once been alone with Daniel ever since they shared a kiss in the locker room on Monday. There was always someone with them; mostly Hannah, or Jenna herself.

He had seen Jenna on their date, again shortly on Wednesday, and now on Friday. He felt like he leaned more towards hanging out with her, though he did feel frustrated he hadn't had any decent conversation with Daniel in the past few days.

"Oh, sure, an eight-year-old is competition." Frey nodded and chuckled, and she giggled, making him beam.

"Right." Jenna smirked. "She absolutely worships you."

"What can I say? I'm a god."

Jenna laughed at that and shook her head in slight disbelieve. "Seriously though. Do you know how Daniel payed for her gift? The other day he was still ranting how he wished he could've given her the doll, and suddenly, the doll is there."

She already seemed to be suspicious, but he didn't want to tell the truth. That was between Daniel and him.

"Maybe he had a lot of tips at work last week." Frey shrugged, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation that he knew wasn't true anyway.

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