Epilogue - Frey Sanders

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Saturday, late morning

     It was too damn adorable, when on Saturday morning—late morning—Hannah had barged into Frey's bedroom to wake him and Daniel up, screaming there were tons of presents under the Christmas tree.

Since his father and he had now permanently moved into the new apartment there was plenty of space for people to stay over; like Hannah and Felicia—their mother, who Frey had come to learn quite well in the past month.

And because it was Christmas and Frey and Daniel were in a relationship, Felicia and Hannah had agreed to spend Christmas with them.

Which was also the reason for Hannah to wake Frey and Daniel up around eleven in the morning, jumping on the bed enthusiastically.

"Danny, Danny, Danny!" She repeatedly called out happily, holding baby Sophia in her arms as always. "You have to see this!" She stopped jumping with one last jump, landing on her knees, crawling in between Frey—who groaned annoyed because he had to let go of Daniel—and Daniel, who sleepily smiled.

"See what?"

"There're tons ofpresent!" She was shaking Daniel since he closed his eyes again.

"Hannah, please." Frey mumbled. "Let us sleep for another hour." Frey begged, pulling the cover over his head. "One more hour."

"But it's Christmas morning." She pulled the cover away from his head, her face close to his. "Your dad said we can open one present in the morning, and the rest tonight. I want to open one now!"

Frey groaned, realising Hannah wasn't allowed to open more presents until later that day when the rest of his family was there; including his mother. They had been trying to get back on friendly terms, but it was a long and painful process to Frey. She still wasn't all too willing to listen or accept him like he was. But at least she didn't mind his sexuality. She actually liked Daniel.

"How about we come out a quarter to 12 so you can still open a present in the morning?" Daniel bargained, pulling Hannah in his arms, tickling her. Frey knew it was an attempt to get her away from Frey, who wasn't as cheerful in the morning as usual.


"Yes, but only if you let us sleep until then."

"Okay!" Hannah chirped, and Frey felt her grab baby Sophia again, climbing off the bed.

The door closed shortly after, and Frey turned around to face Daniel.

"You wanna sleep some more?" Daniel whispered amused, putting his arms around Frey when he placed his head on Daniel's chest.

"I wanna cuddle and sleep." Frey mumbled sleepily, moving around until he was in a comfortable position again.

"Sounds good to me." Daniel agreed with a smile, while Frey pecked a kiss on his chest.

"Can't we stay in bed the whole day?"

"No, we just promised Hannah to be out before noon." Daniel laughed, and the vibrations in his chest made Frey smile.

"Than we go back to bed after she opened a present." Frey mumbled sleepily, pushing himself up on his elbow to look Daniel in the eyes. "I don't want to spend the whole day with family. I want to spend some alone time with you." Frey flashed a sly smirk and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"You truly are a horny bastard."

"Be glad I enjoy sex with you." Frey whispered huskily, leaning in to kiss Daniel. "Could've been a romantic attraction without sexual attraction too. Now would that make you happy?"

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